<p>Hi, I won’t disclose my name because it isn’t exactly common</p>
<p>State: North Carolina</p>
<p>Race: 1/2 African American, 1/4 Caucasian, 1/4 Native American</p>
<p>E.C’s - Vice President of HOSA (Soph. year i will be secretary so that i can commit more time to other ECS), Student Ambassador, STE(A)M scholar ( $50,000 scholarship recipient
), CMC Diversity in Healthcare Mentorship, Co-Founder of Student Change Coalition Club.</p>
<p>Valedictorian of my class so far.</p>
<p>Summer Plans- Physics Course, Prep for AP classes next year, 1-Week Radford University Residential STEM camp (labwork with bird dna etccc)</p>
<p>Colleges: Stanford, Rice, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke (if necessary . . . tarheel fan . . . duke=puke)</p>
<p>Current Goal: To attend the North Carolina School Of Science And Mathematics in Durham (residential) for my Junior and Senior year of highschool.</p>
<p>About Me: I’m a very balanced person. I place a great importance on my academics; however, I enjoy my social life and generally tend to be gregarious. </p>
<p>Dream Job: Ehh . . . I haven’t been exposed to enough yet . . . I mean heck last week I was looking into cyto-genetics . . . but yesterday I met a financial literacy counselor and thought her job sounded rad.</p>
<p>My dad is a counselor . . . he’s always analyzing everything . . . it can get annoying . . . however, he gives the BEST advice! </p>
<p>Obsessions: Shortbread Cookies (I’m not fat tho ) , Dissections, Blood.</p>
<p>Is it weird to like the taste of blood? . . . or my own blood at least.</p>