HS Class of 2015- I want to get to know you! :)

<p>Hey everybody! :)</p>

<p>I'm a rising sophomore (class of 2015). I just wanted to get to know my "competition." Tell me about yourself!! State (if US), ECs, which schools you like, sports, or endeavors of any kind! Anything goes. You never know, we might be sharing where we got accepted in just a few years!</p>

<p>I’m Jonathan. </p>

<p>State: Virginia
ECs: Captain of Table Tennis team; captain of basketball team; Timothy Award winner; 100+ hours of church volunteering; JI Honor Society; Latin Club Vice-President; et cetera…
Schools I like: Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Cornell, and Haverford. </p>

<p>Good luck in the future!</p>

<p>Sweet! The first person who comments already makes me look like crap haha. </p>

<p>I thought of a few things to add…(if anybody wants)
-school type
-dream job
-race? (is that too weird?)</p>

<p>hmmm thats all I got for now.</p>

<p>I’m Dakota.</p>

<p>State: Alaska
ECs: Co-President of Partners Club, active Youth Court member with over 100 hours of volunteer service, French Declamation (didn’t place well, but it was fun), Academic WorldQuest competition (my history teacher says we’re going to win it all next year).
School Type: Mid-sized public
Schools I Like: I guess Minnesota, Penn, Columbia, Michigan, Washington, and UCLA for now…</p>

<p>Alaska? You are truly blessed. The scenery there is insanely beautiful. I have some family there. UCLA is one of my faves too! :slight_smile: Nice to meet you!</p>

<p>Name: Dune
State: Texas
ECs: Golf and a variety of clubs.
School Type: Virtual Charter (Large)
Schools I Like: Rutgers, University of Miami, NYU, Yeshiva University, University of Arizona, UCF, Richmond University (London)</p>

<p>(I’m probably the only one here who doesn’t have much interest in the Ivys.)</p>

<p>Race: Caucasian
Dream Job: Finance, Journalism, or Computer Science</p>

<p>I guess I’ll throw mine in now…
State: CA
School Type: Public with about 2,100 students. Kind of a bad area…
Race: White. Very white.
ECs: mainly centered around Spanish and volleyball
Dream job: Some type of foreign officer…preferably for Chile or Spain…or a dietician
Schools I like: Well there are a lot. They are pretty typical for a CC member but whatever :stuck_out_tongue: (They are somewhat in order) HYPS (Stanford is my fave by a long shot…) Vanderbilt, Brown, UCLA, Duke, UCSD.</p>

<p>State: Alaska
School: Public- 1800 students
Race: White
ECs: none as frosh, hopefully joining debate team next year and doing more ECs
Dream Job: Software Engineer
Schools I like: UC Berkeley, U of Washington, Cornell</p>

<p>State: DC
School: Private K-12
Race: White
ECs: Debate, MUN ,Student Government, Squash Team, Orchestra, Community Action Club
Dream Job: Foreign Service Officer
Schools I Like: Columbia, Georgetown, Yale, UChicago</p>

<p>crazyfrog821- what is the ideal country for you to be working in?</p>

<p>Ooooh tough one! I would love a former french colony of northern africa, or western europe (that would be a treat! :slight_smile: ) But if i had to narrow it down to three, it would be (in no particular order):
Senegal, France, Algiers
I speak french and love french culture!!</p>

<p>That is so cool! I’m learning Spanish right now and my top 3 are Chile, Uruguay, and Spain :)</p>

<p>Haha “competition.” Don’t worry, I’m not competitive. When I play sports I talk and socialize with people (If you look at my intramural volleyball pictures, I’m smiling in all of them haha.) Anyway…
Name: Zane</p>

<p>State: (Southern) California </p>

<p>Race: 1/2 White 1/2 MIddle eastern</p>

<p>EC’s: Class Treasurer (Hopefully something higher next year), Youth City Council, Voting member of school district board, Golf, I have a guaranteed spot on the basketball team sophomore year. (I was planning on playing football but It’s so time consuming so as of now I’m on the fence.)</p>

<p>Colleges: UCSD, Berkeley, Yale, Stanford</p>

<p>What else…</p>

<p>Height: 5’11</p>

<p>Obsessions: I was really obsessed with rubiks cubes for months, but currently haven’t solved one since april. My latest obsession is Piano. I’m trying to perfect “We are Young.” I found out about the show Smallville last week and cant stop watching it. I jump from new hobbies all the time.</p>

<p>Other things: I’m always moving around, and can’t sit still.I’m pretty spontaneous, despite always having everything planned out. I’m told that I’m a funny guy. My Myers Briggs is ENTJ. I like class of 2012 better than 2015, and am really sad today that it was the seniors’ last day.</p>

<p>I dare anyone to write more!!! :)</p>

<p>Hi, I won’t disclose my name because it isn’t exactly common</p>

<p>State: North Carolina</p>

<p>Race: 1/2 African American, 1/4 Caucasian, 1/4 Native American</p>

<p>E.C’s - Vice President of HOSA (Soph. year i will be secretary so that i can commit more time to other ECS), Student Ambassador, STE(A)M scholar ( $50,000 scholarship recipient :smiley: ), CMC Diversity in Healthcare Mentorship, Co-Founder of Student Change Coalition Club.</p>

<p>Valedictorian of my class so far.</p>

<p>Summer Plans- Physics Course, Prep for AP classes next year, 1-Week Radford University Residential STEM camp (labwork with bird dna etccc)</p>

<p>Colleges: Stanford, Rice, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke (if necessary . . . tarheel fan . . . duke=puke)</p>

<p>Current Goal: To attend the North Carolina School Of Science And Mathematics in Durham (residential) for my Junior and Senior year of highschool.</p>

<p>About Me: I’m a very balanced person. I place a great importance on my academics; however, I enjoy my social life and generally tend to be gregarious. </p>


<p>Dream Job: Ehh . . . I haven’t been exposed to enough yet . . . I mean heck last week I was looking into cyto-genetics . . . but yesterday I met a financial literacy counselor and thought her job sounded rad.</p>

<p>My dad is a counselor . . . he’s always analyzing everything . . . it can get annoying . . . however, he gives the BEST advice! </p>

<p>Obsessions: Shortbread Cookies (I’m not fat tho ) , Dissections, Blood.</p>

<p>Is it weird to like the taste of blood? . . . or my own blood at least.</p>

<p>Well . . . i guess my name isn’t that weird . . . people mainly call me Nita.</p>

<p>Name: Amy
State: Connecticut
ECs: Field Hockey, Theatre, and Model UN next year
School Type: Public school (we’re #8 in the state!) ~1200
Schools I Like: Columbia, U of Michigan, Georgetown, UChicago, John Hopkins
Race: Asian (first in my family to be born in the US)
Dream Job: Interventional Cardiologist! </p>

<p>I’m pretty much that weird lazy overachiever in my school, and am known as “that creepy girl”</p>

<p>State: FL
Race: African American
ECs: Science Honor Society, Beta Delta Sigma Math Club, Environmental Club, Key club, FBLA,
Dream Job: Neurosurgeon
Schools I Like: Johns Hopkins , University of Miami , FSU , UF, Vanderbuilt</p>

<p>Name: James
State: Tennessee
ECs: Math Team, STEM club (founder), bowling, volunteer basketball coach, volunteer at science museum, started a Bible drive at my school (raised 700 bibles),
School Type: Public school (we’re #8 in the state!) ~1200
Schools I Like: Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Colorado, Purdue, Florida, Illinois, Iowa St., Vandy, Tennessee
Race: White
Dream Job: Manager for some type of engineering company</p>

<p>heh heh heh . . . “that creepy girl”</p>

<p>I guess i’m . . . “that lightskinned girl with dreadlocks that gets better grades than everyone” or “that girl who defies the odds”</p>