<p>It is interesting to learn about people our age across the country who are all motivated and college-bound. It’s really cool. @StanfordOneDay, how many students are their in the class of 2015 at your school?</p>
<p>@bemore19 450.</p>
Can’t let this die!</p>
<p>State: CA
School Type: Public (Around 1900 students)
Race: Black
ECs: Several internships with various political campaigns, Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, Young Democrats (although I identify as a Democratic Socialist), Award-winning documentarian, Owner of talent management company
Dream job: Defense Civil Rights Lawyer, Professor of Philosophy or African-American Studies
Schools I like: Fordham, Georgetown, American U, Vassar, Howard, Emory, or Boston College
Intended Major: Philosophy or Political Science
Minor: Sociology or African-American</p>
<p>@StanfordOneDay - I like how you think with the whole Duke=puke thing. I’m a UNLV fan though, so we have some unfinished business when it comes to basketball.</p>
<p>Oh, and I think UNLV and UNC play again this year. I can’t wait for that matchup.</p>
<p>Competition? Sounds like fun to me. (: And I think good noodle dared someone to write more? Challenge accepted.
Name : Hector
State: Florida(Central)</p>
<p>Race: White.
Ethnicities: Irish, Puerto-Rican and Korean.
EC’s: GoodGuides Mentoring Program(when I turn 16 I get to be a peer counselor, this new school year (sophomore year)Im doing Competitive Theatre(Thespians), Drama Club , Band Colorguard, Interact Club(Maybe run for office for that) JROTC Staff, maybe JROTC Colorguard too?, and lots of volunteer work.(I have 180+ hours)
School: Went to an IB Magnet School for half the year(Dropped out) and now I go to a Public High School with over like 2000 kids.
Colleges: I really want to go to a school in a big city but some of the best ones are in small towns. So my list includes UCF, UM, NYU, Duke, UC Berkley , the other UC branches, and Columbia.
Height: Im 55.
Age: 15.
Im the loudest person ever. Theres a running joke at my school that my first day, no one had to be told I transferred because they could hear me before they saw me. Im into all kinds of different things, and in my school Im that one kid that you see going in and out of all the departments during lunch, and always in Guidance, hanging out with the staff. I get really distracted really fast, and Im usually juggling 5-6 things at once. Im also a chronic procrastinator, but its never come back to bite me because I work well under pressure. I cannot stand the IB program, and I tell anyone going into it about my experience.
Dream Job: I would love to be a Psychologist, or a Fashion Journalist, or a Teacher
Obsessions: Music, Pop Culture, FASHION.
This is my Sophomore Year schedule:
English II Honors
Algebra II Honors (I hate math, anyone else?)
Chemistry I Honors
AP World History
Drama II (You have to be selected from Drama I, so crossing my fingers(
JROTC II ( Its my easiest class)
Band II (For Colorguard you need band)
HOPE (P.E class, needed to graduate)
Psychology I&II</p>
<li>I guess that makes me that weird loud kid you see everywhere!</li>
<p>You sure you look forward to that matchup? . . i’d hate to have you be crushed over UNLV’s inevitable loss </p>
<p>lol (._.)</p>
<p>State: North Carolina</p>
<p>Race: African American</p>
<p>E.Cs: German Club, Photography Club, 35 hours of community service, children’s choir, Tutor German, Harriet B Webster Student Ambassadors (commserv); Next Year I’ll Be the President of German Club,German Honor Society and maybe Mock Trial, Tennis, and Model UN</p>
<p>School Type: Charter; nationally-ranked in the Top 30; 550 students; Class Size ~145</p>
<p>Class Rank- None, my school doesn’t believe in them </p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule-
Honors College Level Civics and Economics (AP GoPo)
Honors Advanced Chemistry
Algebra II
Honors German III
Honors Enriched English II
Intermediate Band
AP Human Geography (self-study) -maybe</p>
<p>Freshman Schedule-
Honors Enriched World History
Honors Enriched Biology
Honors Advanced Geometry
German I
Honors Advanced English I
Intermediate Band</p>
<p>Summer Plans- Law Camp at NCCU, Duke Camp Med, maybe band camp, studying, waiting for response from a entrepreneurship and business camp at NCCU</p>
<p>Colleges: Western Carolina University, UNC at Greensboro, UNC at Asheville, Texas A&M, Berea, SUNY at Buffalo, Rice</p>
<p>Intended Major: Business Administration and Juris Doctorate (NCCU offers a joint program for a MBA and JD), German Language and Literature, Political Science, and maybe a PhD in German</p>
<p>Dream Job: Cooperate Lawyer at Siemens</p>
<p>Everyone here seems extremely smart…sheesh. And I’m thinking about starting a club now, so we’ll see how that goes.</p>
<p>Yes, yes, find all the competition, then murder them. All according to plan. <em>Rubs hands together maliciously</em></p>
<p>State: Virginia
Race: Part Chinese, part Indonesian, and part Dutch
E.C: Volunteering, Asia Club, HOSA Club. Lame I know Gonna do more next year
School Type: Public, we made Newsweek’s Best schools. Uhh I guess it’s like 75% white, 15% black, and10% Asian and Hispanic
Rank: Sadly, my school only lets us know during our junior year
AP Bio
Health Science 2
Spanish 3
World History 2
Freshman Year Schedule:
Algebra 2
Spanish 2
Health Sci 1
World History
Summer Plans: Working at a science museum, volunteering at a local library, and I have summer school
Colleges: BROWN!!! Then, Cornell, Macalester, JHU, UCLA,U of Chicago, or Northwestern
Major: Somewhere in Health Sciences
Dream Job: Research Scientist
I’m planning on contacting a local university to start a science project/ research next year. </p>
<p>So most people at school know me as the super short Asian chick I’m generally nice to everyone and so I don’t belong to a single " clique". I like reading, Tumblr, watching movies, music, azn dramas, learning ( lol), and art.</p>
<p>Purpledino: Is AP Bio a 1 period class at your school? Because at my school it take up two periods, back to back so you have to give up a class to take it. -.-</p>
<p>Its a full period, but I have to take Health/PE over the summer to make room for it.</p>
<p>I’m still confused a bit. >.<
- How many periods does it take up?
For instance. If I took it my schedule would look something like this:
Period 1 : Class
Period 2: Class
Period 3: AP Bio
Period 4: AP Bio
Period 5: Class
Period 6: Lunch
Period 7: Class
Period 8: Class
Is that what yours would be too?</p>
<p>I’m sitting here wondering what you look like with all of your racial backgrounds o__O</p>
<p>Hey Beth & everyone of the class of 2015(:
Gender: Female
Race: African American
State: Massachusetts
ECs: science club, international language club, badminton club, and student theatre company. I’m also part of a volunteer program involving mentoring elementary school children (: I have signed up for the academic decathalon for next year (freshmen aren’t really accepted onto the team) & I’ll be joining the school newspaper junior year (it’s limited to juniors and seniors), as well as National Honor Society (I HOPE haha)
Sports: Eh, I plan on doing indoor track and possibly soccer, I’m unsure yet.
School type: Public, but I’m part of this accelerated program that’s a “school within a school”.
Rank: Well report cards come out Thursday, but as of third quarter, I was rank 33/701 (top 5%, woohoo. I have set the goal of improving upon my rank for next year though!)
GPA: 4.3073 Weighted. My school doesn’t provide unweighted ranks.
Dream schools: STANFORD<3, Yale, or Princeton for the main part. UPenn and Harvard are some other ivy league schools I am definitely going to apply to.
Dream major: Something in the sciences, preferably human biology or simply biology. I’d like a minor in theatre.
Freshman Schedule:
(The core courses)
HH English 1
H Algebra 1
H Biology
H World History
H Latin 1 (Taking Latin is required of the program I’m in)
Sophomore Schedule:
HH English 2
HH Geometry & Analytical Geometry
HH Algebra 2 & Trigonometry
(Ahh doubling up on math! X__X)
H Chemistry
AP U.S. History 1 ( focused on the years 1492-1812)
H Latin 2</p>
<p>We all seem to be pretty competitive here, aha. I hope this thread lasts long.</p>
<p>Eh, I forgot some things. There’s not really 701 kids in my grade. During first quarter, there were 759 or so. It’s only 701 because students get tied in ranks.</p>
<p>I like talking and writing a lot, but I’ve been on a writer’s block for a while. I would consider myself a workaholic, and last year my classmates called me an “overachiever”. Now, I’m called a “tryhard” haha.</p>
<p>I’m 5 feet and 6 inches, 14 years old, but happily turning 15 tomorrow(:</p>
<p>I think that’s all… For now anyways xD</p>
<p>Wait-- my username is collegefountain because I’m obsessed with going to college, and I have a friend who always calls me “college fountain” because I share with her as much as I know about college, lol.</p>
<p>Okay, I’m done xD sorry for talking a lot haha.</p>
<p>the asians hate me at my school </p>
<p>. . . their parents hate me too.</p>
<p>this isn’t speculation either . . . they’ve voiced their opinions about “the black girl who’s ranked above their oh so academic children”</p>
<p>o__0 . . .psshhhh.</p>
<p>I’m from Canada and I like Reeses Pieces :D</p>