HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>Am bumping this as got an email today and it my son’s was in “reviewed” status. Also got an email about . Hoping he get some money!</p>

<p>Bump 10 10</p>

<p>HSF just posted on FB and they posted a link to what each of the status means. My S is in Reviewed…hopefully will see some money oooh la la.</p>

<p>Keeping fingers crossed for good news!</p>

<p>I sent my transcript in January and my transcript status says “Upload Now.” Therefore, my whole application status is “Submitted.” Will I not be considered for a scholarship?</p>

<p>They are supposed to notify students around June (for most of the scholarships). Has anyone heard back from them?</p>

<p>They usually run late. The best source for information on this scholarships is their facebook page.</p>

<p>We had a problem in the notification process. Their home page for the documents needed still reads “not yet required” for a couple of different forms. When we inquired as to when the SAR form would be needed, they said that we should have received an email in early June. We had not, but were allowed to send in SAR last week. It is very confusing to have website say one thing and miss their deadlines. We have since contacted them for the remaining forms, which all read “not yet required”, but have not gotten a reply.</p>

<p>My son was chosen as a semi-finalist for the general scholarship. He provided the additional information requested in June and the status for those items states “verified”. Does anybody know when the finalists will be notified?</p>

<p>^Have you looked at their Facebook page (see post #16)?</p>

<p>@welldad, well from what i understand, if you didnt get an email saying that they needed your SAR, then your application was not selected.</p>

<p>What I was trying to say was that his application was selected in June, but we did not get their email requesting the SAR. We weren’t concerned becuase their site still said “not yet required”. If it had not been for a friends mention of his status, we would have missed out on our chance for scholarship.</p>

<p>Received an email today. </p>

<p>Thank you once again for applying to the Hispanic College Fund’s scholarship program. We regret to inform you that you were not selected as a scholarship recipient for the 2011-2012 academic year. Because of our limited funding, scholarships could not be awarded to all of the outstanding students who applied</p>

<p>@smileygerl my heart skipped a beat when I saw your post. Then I realized it was HCF and not HSF…</p>

<p>Son received #29 email in May. Have still not received anything from HSF since they asked for SAR. His status says “Reviewed” for general scholarship; Haz La U; and Proctor & Gamble. </p>

<p>I agree about the FB site info…that’s how we found out to look at status at all.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard back yet?</p>

<p>I haven’t heard anything since the time the asked for my SAR. My status says: “Reviewed” for all my 3 scholarships</p>

<p>^^^^ Same for my son.</p>

<p>Any updates???</p>

<p>Can’t wait anymore!</p>