HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>Nada nothing…on Facebook they keep mentioning applying for next year…why don’t they finish this year first?</p>

<p>Well on the announcements section of the website it says all results will be released by the end of the month… I guess we’re just gonna have to wait.</p>

<p>I was notified last night via E-mail of winning one of the scholarships!!!</p>

<p>Hey Drakkard which one of the scholarships did you win?</p>

<p>I believe it wasn’t the general one, it was one of the branches. My E-mail says that the scholarship distributor was Wells Fargo wachovia</p>

<p>Still nothing</p>

<p>From their Facebook page:
“hello everyone, we understand you are still waiting for news. We haven’t finished the selection yet (of all the programs) and we are aiming to finish this week, we will keep you informed with updates at the end of the week. Thank you for your patience.”</p>

<p>As far as I know, they made all their decisions. All no’s here though. Got emails on Aug 31.</p>

<p>I’m kind of confused about this program. On the application, it asks what institution the student will be attending next year. How does one possibly know this???</p>

<p>You put the school you would most likely attend if admitted just to get the application process rolling. Once you are admitted or awarded a scholarship you can go back and adjust your application to the school you will be attending. </p>

<p>Unfortunately NHSF award scholarships late in the process so most kids do not find out until summer. Students get notified throughout the process if they make it through each stage. My son was a finalist but was not awarded a scholarship. </p>

<p>Students have to submit documentation of the school they will be attending so it sort of fixes itself.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>Thank-you so much, itsv! You’ve been so helpful. :-)</p>

<p>I was wondering for those of you who won the awards, what was your GPA and class rank? What do you think plays the most important role in getting selected?</p>

<p>Has anyone received an update concerning their applications? I don’t know whether I should be worried at this point, but my document statuses still say “pending verification”. Furthermore, I never received responses for questions I submitted back in December.</p>

<p>Could anyone fill me in on how long it takes for the HSF committee to review our applications or at least provide an update on the website?</p>

<p>If you read the announcements on the right hand side it explains how they do the pending documents. Their status will not be changed until the scholarship application is being reviewed. And if you click on the info for each scholarship, it tells you when they review and announce the winners.</p>

<p>I got a message about two weeks ago that said that I was selected for a scholarship. So although I applied for the Fall 2011/Spring 2012 term, a very generous donation made this possible. Has anyone received the same message and do you know more about how the payment distributions will work (Will it be the full award in the Fall or split in half for Fall and Spring semesters)?</p>

<p>I’d like to bump this thread because I need to know if any significant changes were made on anyone’s scholarship application status? I didn’t do the General scholarship (didn’t meet the deadline… ): ) however, I did do Haz La U, Toyota, and Proctor and Gamble. My application status has been on “Submitted” since, well, I submitted the applications. Have awards already been given out?</p>

<p>Notifications should’ve been made from May to June, but I haven’t gotten anything, not even a rejection. June hasn’t ended yet but I’m too curious for my own good. Any help?</p>

<p>I got a response from the ‘Haz La U’ scholarship about a month ago. I didn’t qualify. ;(</p>

<p>It is my understanding that if you were sent a request for a fafsa copy then you are a final candidate. If your status’ say submitted, then your applications are waiting for review. They have handed out some scholarships. Don’t know which ones. Maybe the ones due in June for notification. The ones due in July are still under review. Status should say “in review” or “reviewed”. My daughter applied to 3. All three say “reviewed”. But…she has received no word as to anything else. Good Luck !</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I still haven’t had a change in my application, but I’m hoping for a change in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>I have not recieved an e-mail from hsf since they asked me for my SAR.
All my current statuses say “Reviewed” except one the 2012-2013 HSF/P&G Venus Brand Scholarship says “SAR Recieved”. Does anyone else have that status? It’s not listed on the page that says what each status means.</p>