HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>One of my applications too says “SAR Received”. I do not know what it means, can anyone please elaborate as to what it means?</p>

<p>SAR stands for Student Aid Report, this is the FAFSA report that summarizes your FA information and gives your EFC.</p>

<p>I assume the HSF has some income/EFC limits, so they need to see your SAR to be sure you fulfill that qualification.</p>

<p>Thanks Entomom but we understand what the SAR is and we sent it in a couple of months ago. What we’re wondering is why do the status of all our applications say “Reviewed” except just one that says “SAR Recieved” instead?</p>

<p>UCDaggie which one of your applications say “SAR Recieved”?</p>

<p>Gabby1021, the only one that says “SAR Received” is the 2012-2013 HSF/Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. High School Scholarship.</p>

<p>I was responding to UCDs post, which I likely misinterpreted.</p>

<p>Has either of of you tried to contact HSF?</p>

<p>Oh okay I’m sorry! I thought you were directing it to both of us. I was just trying to clear things up. :slight_smile: No I haven’t contacted them. They do say to contact them if you have a different status then those listed on the page but they also make it clear not to bother them with little things. So I’m kinda scared lol should I contact them? I sorta feel we should just wait it out. </p>

<p>@UCDaggie I hope it’s a good thing. Because for sure HSF recieved our SAR it says so at the bottom. So why would those specific scholarships let us know they recieved our SAR?
Not unless we maybe got the scholarship? (fingers crossed)</p>

<p>Entomom, sorry, I didn’t elaborate more. HSF informs us what each status means. However, when we read that our status for one of the scholarships said “SAR Received”, we didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing. Hopefully, as Gabby1021 says, it’s a good thing! I’ll keep my fingers crossed too! We don’t want to contact them because it’s a hassle for them to receive emails for something small. If they didn’t post what that status means, then they must want it to be a surprise?</p>

<p>Sorry I can’t help more, thinking positive thoughts for both of you!</p>

<p>So this morning I got an e-mail from HSF and I got the Venus Brand Scholarship!! That is the same one that had the “SAR Recieved” status! It’s for $2,500! </p>

<p>Did you hear back UCDaggie? Hopefully you did and it’s good news!</p>

<p>Congratualtions gabby, wonderful news!</p>

<p>If you care to, please share some of your stats, school list or results, etc. for future applicants. The 2016 Results thread is linked to on the Resources sticky thread.</p>

<p>Keeping my fingers crossed for good news for UCDaggie too!</p>

<p>Congratulations Gabby!
I haven’t received anything but hopefully it’s good news too! The one that says “SAR Received” is the Walmart one. </p>

<p>By the way, what exactly did the email say? I’m a bit curious. </p>

<p>Thanks for the support! I’ll stay positive too (:</p>

<p>Any new news!?
This is the whole e-mail.</p>

<p>Dear Gabriela Lozano:</p>


<p>The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a scholarship recipient. Your award is contingent upon verification of full-time enrollment. We welcome you to a group of distinguished Hispanic American students chosen for this prestigious award.</p>

<p>Application Name: 2012-2013 HSF/P&G Venus Brand Scholarship
Scholarship Awarded: 2012-2013 P&G Venus Brand
Amount Awarded: $2500</p>

<p>You were selected for this scholarship based on the following information provided on your application:</p>

<p>Intended Institution: University of North Texas-Denton
Intended Major 1: Hospitality Administration
Intended Major 2: Management</p>

<p>If this information has changed please contact us immediately using the MESSAGE CENTER at <a href=“https://apply.hsf.net/[/url]”>https://apply.hsf.net/&lt;/a&gt; and inform us of the change(s). A change of institution OR major may affect your eligibility to receive this scholarship.</p>

<p>You must log into your online account to accept your scholarship. Awards must be “Acknowledged” and accepted by the specified deadline stated in your online account. If your award is not acknowledged by the listed date, it will expire and be offered to other students.</p>

<p>Please PRINT a copy of the Acknowledgment of Award, for your records, BEFORE you accept the award.</p>

<p>To accept your award please login in to your account at:</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything apart from gabby?

<p>I applied for the nissan scholarship and sent my SAR a couple of weeks ago and still nothing :/</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from the general scholarship, Haz La U, or Wells Fargo ones yet? My status on each of those just says “reviewed.”</p>

<p>I received a response from the Haz La U scholarship committee about a month ago indicating that I was not selected as a recipient. If you had to submit the SAR for the particular scholarship, there’s a good chance you were selected for it, so keep your hopes up!</p>

<p>I submitted my SAR about a month ago… and still nothing… I applied for the Macys Scholarship.</p>

<p>We haven’t received anything either and we’re running out of July. Anyone else receive anything?</p>

<p>nope not yet. my application still says Reviewed. only have two weeks left in july!</p>

<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using CC</p>

<p>HSF emailed me too asking for my SAR. I sent it, and today I went to check HSF and for two applications (Morgan Stanley & Clorox “Gracias Mama”) it says “not selected”. I still have several applications (including the HSF General Scholarship) that only say “Reviewed”. Just an update, maybe it will be helpful for those who haven’t had an update on their applications yet. :)</p>