<p>I'm considering joining the HSSP. I want to go premed and think that this might be heplful. I like the hill area but am not so sure I want to live in Alice Lloyd. If anyone knows anything about the program feel free to PM me. I have a few questions.
Is the one class per week commitment a waste of time (or a credit)? Is it a worthwile class? Does HSSP really help me with pre-med concentration? Will it help im med school apps? Does allice Lloyd suck ( It seems like the oldest one by the pictures.. how are the rooms?)</p>
<p>bump please .. i would really like some help.. Even if you are not in HSSP.. I would really like to know if Alice Lloyd sucks and is MLC's are worth it.</p>
<p>I personally love Alice Lloyd, if I had an opportunity for a single there, I'd go there in a second. </p>
<p>But in any case, Alice Lloyd is a good dorm, but it's a bit far as it is on the Hill.</p>
<p>The rooms are pretty good, my friends got a REALLY big room for a double on the 4th floor, but I think they got pretty lucky.</p>
<p>A bad thing? I heard that this weekend, Alice Lloyd "flooded". Some of their bathrooms things flooded and a few rooms got soaked all the way down to the second floor supposedly. One the guy I know there had all his clothes soaked and his notes just... gone. A few days before exams too.</p>