Hug your kids

<p>Our daughter, who is a freshman at Oklahoma State, is on a spring break trip with her sorority sisters, to Gulf Shores Alabama. We got a call from her last night informing us that one of her sorority sisters was walking home to the house they were staying at, with another sorority sister, and a drunk driver swerved off the road and killed one the girls…
These poor kids are just devasted that they lost a friend…they are in shock…I can’t imagine what the family is going through.</p>

<p>Absolutely heartbreaking for the whole sorority and all of us, the parents, as well. As my son heads toward Destin for the spring break week with his Bama fraternity brothers, we made sure to reinforce with him how short life can be and to be smart, alert and always aware of whats going on…ecspecially on these trips to the shore.</p>

<p>I don’t mean to panic anyone hear as your kids may be on their way to spring break as well…we just can’t tell them enough that its great to have fun, but to be careful about it…</p>

<p>Please share this with your kids as you give them a big hug and an “I love you” tonight…</p>

<p>Very sad. I’ve seen the story circulating around FB as she was from the DFW area. Such a tragedy. I’m so sorry for your daughter and her friends as they deal with this. I can’t image the pain of the family. </p>

<p>How heartbreaking… :(</p>

<p>Just terrible. My UA son will be home in about a half an hour from the airport…I will give him an extra big hug when I see him!</p>

<p>She was one of my son’s friends. They worked together at a local dry cleaner for 3 years. :frowning: this is the first time he’s lost a friend. Meanwhile…oldest son is leaving for Florida tomorrow. We can all just hope they stay safe and make good choices.</p>

<p>I have not met her parents, but I just cannot imagine the horror.</p>

<p>How terrible.
What makes these things even worse (if that is possible) is that they were walking and got hit. The terrible randomness of this along with the complete irresponsibility of the driver makes it all the more horrible.</p>

<p>How very sad. it’s also important to remind the kids to never drink and drive.</p>

<p>This is such a tragedy… I am heartsick reading this. How terrible for the family and what sorrow they must be feeling. This certainly puts things in perspective, love your children, hug them, and always support them. Life is just too short.</p>