
<p>As a Wesleyan student I was pretty excited to see Barack Obama speak at this year's commencement. But seriously, "Wellesleyan!!?" Really?!!?? Did anyone else hear him? Come on, Barack.</p>

<p>I was there; he was clearly trying to logroll off the senior class president who had preceded him down that path. If it wasn't such an obscure, inside joke, the rest of the world would be citing it as an example of how cool he is.</p>

<p>yea it was definitively a joke... he dead panned it quite nicely. don't worry- barack knew where he was speaking!</p>

<p>Yep-- definitely a joke which everyone there took as such. It's just the media and people who only saw Obama's speech and not the senior class president's and Roth's who thought he actually didn't know where he was.</p>