Hullabaloo Hall- Getting in

My son will be an automatic admit to TAMU starting Fall 2021. Due to Covid, they have pushed the application opening to August 1, 2020. He knows he wants Hullabaloo Hall. Due to transcript posting/GPA Rank, we will not be able to apply to TAMU until mid August. Will delaying the application to the university a couple weeks hurt his chances of getting into Hullabaloo Hall? I know that housing applications do not open typically until September, but I was not sure if those who applied to TAMU as soon as applications open have a better standing to request the more popular housing options.

No. Dorm priority is given based on admission date, not application date.

Thank you! So, as long as he applies within the first couple of weeks with automatic admission, his admission date should be Really early, correct? Not sure how this all works!

@tmclanton Yes as soon as he’s accepted, you’ll need to complete housing application AND put down deposit. Then you’ll want to be sure you get confirmation it was complete. Last year there were issues with some on here. They thought it was done and it wasn’t. Last year was the first time they broke down and labeled the housing process into Phases. So Phase 1 is the time stamp for housing selection later.

Also, IF he does not get Hullabaloo, there are so many great dorms on northside of campus that are even larger and somewhat nicer but will have full access to hullabaloo amenities.

Thank you! What other dorms should he look at on the North Side? We were hoping to go back this summer to look at other housing options, but that obviously did not happen!

@tmclanton The modular dorms are popular. They are very large rooms.

Several Modular dorms on Northside. And as @thelma2 said, they are the largest rooms aside from White Creek (West side). There are also many modulars on southside as well. Most find location of north and south to be irrelevant.

Are the Hullabaloo Hall dorms also spacious?

Yes. As are modulars.

@Michelle_Chinke ResLife website is great-photo gallery, virtual tour, history of each dorm, prices.
Hullabaloo will be full by day 2-3, as will Northside Modulars.
Whatever student lists during phase 2 means NOTHING (unless doing LLC). All boils down to time stamp Housing deposit is paid and what beds are open when it’s your dorm selection time in late spring.
Highly suggest taking a dorm tour over Christmas break.

My DD was accepted on 12/3. What phase is that?

@NeighborTX admission isn’t done by phases, just Housing has phases. Phase 1 for Housing is paying the non-refundable application fee/deposit. You know you’re successful in paying when it ends with “next step is phase 2”-something like that. A couple weeks after Phase 1, you’ll get an email about Phase 2, asking you to list/rank dorm choices. This is super misleading, as it means NOTHING. There is no master list keeping track of what anyone lists. It all boils down to time stamp Housing deposit was paid. Those that paid in September will have 1st dibs, and it goes down from there. You won’t know your dorm selection time until mid April, and December acceptance will have a May selection time.

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Great. Thanks for the clarification.

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