Humanities and Arts Admission

Hi all,
I’ve been wondering…is it easier for students to be admitted to a UC school as a humanities major rather than a super-competitive STEM major? Of course UC would never publicly admit this, but I wonder if it’s secretly true. UC San Diego’s freshman admission page even says that they are actively seeking humanities majors and they offer an opportunity to submit a portfolio, which I did. Perhaps it’s wishful thining but I am curious!

I don’t think so…I think most of the UCs don’t admit my major. I might be wrong though.

yes it is, especially at very STEM-oriented schools like UCSD.

UCs are all admitting by major. Choose an impacted one at your peril! (Ask all the waitlisted and rejected Comp Sci, Bio and Engineering majors about that one.) Yet the UCs have also made it difficult to come in undeclared and then transfer to a popular major.