HumEc Admissions Question

<p>hi, i just wanted to know if the human ecology college prepares you for medical school. i want to be a psychiatrist so is it better to go to human ecology or arts and sciences? thank you!</p>

<p>what do you want to major in...most premeds are in CAS or CALS...</p>

<p>well i want to be psychiatrist so i figured i would do human development at hum ec, but does that really prepare you for med school?</p>

<p>cornell doesn't have a premed major i don't think; it has an excellent pre med program. You take the pre med courses and get advised for premed, but other than those core premed courses you can take/major in whatever you want. There are bio premeds to music premeds at cornell.</p>

<p>someone correct me if i'm wrong.</p>