Hunter Vs University at buffalo Please help can't decide

Hi guys I know it’s late but I need help I’m between two colleges ONE is Hunter the other is University at buffalo I’m going for the Premed track and it’s so conflicting which school to choose I want to dorm and experience the fabled “college life” but hunter is a commuter school with limited dorming I’m worried that at buffalo that the quality of education would be lower then hunter , and I heard hunter is a more well known School for its medical department so please help the only reason I’m drawn to buffalo is because I wanted a new environment and to makes a great group of friends


You are right about Hunter - it s not a campus environment. It’s more like 2 buildings and a bookstore on a busy city street. The dorms are not close by, and one of the dorms is no where near the other two. I don’t know much about the academics at Buffalo, but if you are looking for a ‘traditional’ college campus experience, then it is the better choice for you.

I would suggest buffalo looking at how you want to experience a ‘college life’. Hunter will definitely not provide you with that. However, academics at hunter is hands down better.

Buffalo, on the other hand, is not that bad either, it is coming up with a new downtown campus which will mostly be a med school, it will hopefully be ready by 2020. My point is, Buffalo does seem like a good bargain, it is highly known for their research work and is a fairly big and diverse campus. Their honors college is one to look out for, they provide great financial aid and the degree is valued after grad. Looking at what you want, I would go in for Buffalo.

However, if you purely base opinions on academics as per say, then Hunter is your go.
Wish you all the very best. whichever college you choose, you cannot go wrong.
Let me know if I can help out further.

I don’t have a lot of experience with Buffalo, but a friend of my kids just graduated from Buffalo and is now doing a Ph.D. at Cornell. Not med school, but an even more excellent outcome IMO.