I am interested in a really gorgeous guy at my school who has lots of admirers

Hi everyone, I am have been secretly interested in a super-cute and good-looking guy in my college class since he started here about a month ago, and I have always wanted to approach him.
The problem is that he is so good-looking that practically all other girls are into him as well, and I often see some of them flirt with him in unmistakable ways, like tell him that he has beautiful eyes, blush and act nervous around him when they speak to him, try to invite him on weekend parties and things like that;
they also always seem to sit and make themselves pretty for him, like fondle their hair, adjust their clothes and just give him tender looks, and so on.
I would like to approach him, and I know that I am considered cute and pretty and all o that, so I have some confidence there, but I feel like it would be very hard to make any impression on him, since he has so many beautiful girls with different sweet traits and personalities around him all the time.
Do you know what I can do in order to get his attention in a positive way?

For one, grab a seat next to him and start small talk.

Then after a class say hey I’m running to get a Starbucks - wanna join ?

Or go on an app and find him. Isn’t everyone on an app today ?

Good luck.

Thanks, I will try.
It is just a bit tricky to find him alone;
he almost always has at least one girl next to him, and usually several girls.
But I will look for an opportunity.

Maybe a boy who is always in the cross hair of others is too much trouble.

you’ll find a way…or another boy.

good luck.

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