<p>how soon do you know your finals schedule at USC? I would like to get a cheap ticket now ;)</p>
<p>Since April or so. </p>
<p>Do you know the specific classes your son will be taking? You can play it safe and cheap now and just buy a ticket for the last day of finals week. However, if he finishes exams earlier, he may be waiting around for a day or two with little to do.</p>
<p>If you wait until the first week of classes or so, he can confirm final dates with the different professors. Once you make sure he won't be changing or dropping classes, you can buy a more specific ticket that lets him leave the afternoon or evening following his last test.</p>
<p>Ugh... this sucks... I have 2 finals on the 17th and 2 on the 18th.... Greattttttttttt........ lol</p>
<p>cowtipper1, do we know already?!?</p>
<p>once you get course syllabi, you'll know exactly when each final is.</p>
<p>The course syllabi will most likely (like 99.9%) coincide with the finals schedule online. The school is very strict about professors adhering to this schedule. Just look up your class by start time and you'll know when your final is.</p>
<p>Be safe and schedule it for the last day. Last fall our math professor (Mancera) told us the final would be on Monday, but it was actually on the last Wednesday, a fact many hadn't found out until after they bought their tickets. One girl had bought a ticket to Thailand and would have been out $1200, not to mention the cost of a new ticket. Luckily they made a second final, but they wouldn't have had to.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses. SO do the dorms close on the 19th? or can you stay and fly out the next morning on the 20th after finals are over? It appears the Math 125/126 final is on the 19th in the morning. We have a smaller airport and a late afternoon start out of LA means no flight at night into home airport.</p>
<p>You can stay if you pay $80 a night.</p>
<p>19th, and you have to leave by 5 o clock or something?? There is a time limit.</p>
<p>Is it reliable to just go off of the dates on the syllabus/syllabi? I have to book a ticket this weeked, and it looks like I'll be able to leave on 12/18, as my last final is 12/17. I checked blackboard's callendar, and myUSC, and I don't see any dates, and I remember them saying early in the year that those would be the dates...</p>
<p>The syllabi dates are usually the most accurate out there. The finals times that everyone is talking about are found on USC's website in the class schedule section.</p>
<p>Yes, by this point the syllabus dates should be reliable. You can always confirm the times with the official USC schedule. </p>
<p>yeah none of my syllabus had my final dates. I guess I'll have to trust the website. I don't seem to have any coinciding with each other and I know I won't have 1 or 2 finals because they are my studio classes. yay. Looks like I'm getting off a day early... well I'm gonna be safe and buy a plane ticket for the 20th. :)</p>
<p>Always, always check the official schedule of finals as given in the schedule of classes. </p>
<p>If there is a difference between the professor's syllabus and the official finals schedule, the university will nearly always say the final must be given on the official time. It is typically extremely difficult for a professor and/or student to move finals from the official date/time, and if the syllabus and schedule disagree, it should be brought up with the professor as soon as possible.</p>
<p>However, some science classes regularly switch their finals date, especially the intro classes.</p>
<p>I just booked my flight for 12/18, the day after my last final reported on the syllabus. I know that's cutting it close, but I want to maximize my winter break lol (BTW: anyone here flown on Virgin America yet?)</p>
<p>I'm leaving on the 23rd. I'm just gonna hang around my apartment for several days I guess. I don't want to cut it close by getting it on the 19th and get effed over. :/</p>