I am really overwhelmed and stressed out as freshman

I really am struggling with finding motivation in my studies. Freshman year of HS just started for me and im really overwhelmed by the step up in work and the pressure im getting compared to last year. I can handle the rigor as its definitly managable, but I don’t find the motivation to do it and often times I have to face my emotions. Please help me usually I am a straight As students until 8th grade but like this year feels impossible.

This has started since summer school; i took geometry over the summer and my teacher was soo bad. I used to spend about 8 hours on hw since it was a crash course while my whole family was on vacation. I got really depressed and since then my motivation has been downhill.

Try mixing up where you study. Maybe a favorite coffee shop or library. Also organizing study groups helped my kids.

Reward yourself. Finish some reading, have a coffee drink. Math homework done, text with friends for 15 minutes. Maybe try to give yourself bigger rewards when you reach bigger goals. A on a big test, go to the movies or buy yourself something you want.

You shouldn’t have taken that class over the summer. 8 hours of homework a day! No vacation! ::frowning:
What you’re feeling is called burn out.

Make sure you have several hours each day doing fun stuff - clubs, socializing in person.
Make sure you have nine hours a sleep each night.
After a week or two of this regimen you’ll feel like yourself again.

Are you taking geometry or algebra2 as a freshman (both are advanced)?

Note: I wouldn’t recommend coffee drinks at 13-14. But yes, give yourself rewards, the equivalent of that adult coffee but for teens. :slight_smile:

Hi there. I am a high school student that has also struggled with burnout. The first encounter with a hard class and new year will always be difficult to adjust.

I recommend taking a short break from studying to do the following:
Write down your 3 top values in life at the moment and write down the 3 top things you spend your life on. Rank the values and the time spent.

It really helps to give some perspective on schoolwork. For me, I realized that I wanted my life to not revolve around school and homework, so I changed my priorities to engage in other activities. Don’t let one letter grade define you. Think about it- your shoe size can be measured with a number, but your potential in life and your intelligence cannot. Hope this helped and best of luck. :)>-

@MYOS1634 im taking alg 2 as Freshman but i was supposed to take Geo but i took it over the summer

@potatoepotatoe wow thanks for the advice. I wanted to ask you a question. Currently my GLC or counselor wants me to do World history honors over the summer next year. It is extremely easy in our school and u only have like an hour of homework each day. I would do, but my mom wants me to have next summer off to spend time with family. Instead, she suggests me to take 0 period (if you do that then school begins at 6:45 instead of 7:50)? what should i do?

If the class is easy, do it over the summer.
Zero period is terrible for teenagers’ biological clocks and causes them problems down the line.
Your mother clearly doesn’t want a repeat of this year, with homework all day instead of vacation and a burnt out child at the end of the summer.
So, you’ll have to make sure this isn’t a repeat of this summer.
However, you don’t have to worry about this right now. You could take the class during a regular period next year and still be fine, for instance. Or take it online.
Cross that bridge when you get to it.

If you really want to take the class, I would suggest doing it 0 period if it is easier at your school (or maybe even as a regular period). To decide, think to yourself why you are doing it and if it will be worth it in 10 years (compared to what you could also use the time for). Spending your summers with family and friends (especially freshman and sophomore year) is a great to relax and prevent too much school work from overwhelming you. I took a class over the summer once and I loathed it, because it would detract from time doing “summer things”/ having fun. :slight_smile:

Why are you so focused on taking everything as a freshman? Alg 2 and upper level history classes are taken by juniors. You seem to be several levels ahead in math. Of course you are stress if you are trying to finish high school in one year.

@MYOS1634 @potatopancakes
It is pretty easy and it’s World History honors. I want to take it over the summer because you have to complete the course to take an AP sophomore year. My school only offers 1 AP, AP Human geo or AP Euro. If i dont take World History honors by sophomore year, then Im not gonna take any APs sophomore year.

It’s not a big deal if you take zero AP Sophomore year though. The most highly selective colleges in the nation expect 6-8. That’s 3 junior year, perhaps 4; and 3-4 senior year AS A MAX.
Typically you’d take AP English and Apush junior year and those depend on grades you for before. You may take AP physics 1 to round that out. If you really want a 4th one AP CS principles or AP Human Geography. Senior year would include AP calculus (ab or bc), AP foreign language and/or an AP history/social science, an AP science.
So, no need to stress.
Do your best now. Reassess in March.

@MYOS1634 Im thinking of taking no APs sophomore year which you told me that im fine with doing

for Junior year
AP Calc AB
AP Chem
French 3
Eng hon
AP psychology
honors Physics

Senior year
AP Calc BC
AP Bio
civics and government
eng 4 hon
AP physics 1
AP economics

The problem is in my school you have to do PE 9th 10th and 11th, but they claim that u can waiver for Junior year which I have no idea. If i have to do PE junior year then i might just replace it with honors physics and do honors physics senior year and no AP Physics. Also, my English is pretty weak and i have an excuse since i already know 3 languages (2 i speak at home) and its gonna be 4 when i do French 3. Do you think my schedule is good?

Yes, except

  • you’ll need to take US history junior year. It’s a nation requirement (although some schools place it sophomore year, it’s very rare).
  • you don’t need to take physics honors before you take AP physics 1. They’re both at the same level content wise the difference is that AP physics 1 covers fewer topics and much more in-depth.
  • what languages? Can you get a certification from a cultural center such as Alliance française, Goethe Institute, Confucius Institute…? This would matter.
    So, junior year I’d remove honors physics and I’d replace AP psych with US history honors or Apush. You could take an elective for 6th period, something fun like Culinary arts or artistic like Photography or Choir.
    Btw, California universities require a minimum of one full year credit or two semesters of art.
    Your senior schedule is good but don’t hesitate to revise it once you come closer to that year.
    For now, sleep a lot, learn, make friends, have fun. Enjoy freshman year.

@MYOS1634 does it look bad if i replace AP psychology with US history honors? I dont think i can handle the APUSH workload. Also, for UC schools they only require one year of world history and 1 year USH or 1 semester civics and government each making it 2 semesters

With all due respect, if you are worried about stress and burnout, being on a college planning website is probably counterproductive and may aggravate the stress. Please take care of yourself, explore what brings you joy, and don’t worry about college at this point.

Also, I don’t mean to minimize your stress, but part of it might be due to the transition itself, which means it will get better after you see that first quarter report card. I have seen many kids who are really stressed out first quarter freshman year as they are transitioning to high school, but things often calm down for them a few weeks in. Hang in there, and, yes, I agree with @jym626 that it’s probably best to seek advice from actual humans in your life and not spend time on CC right now! This site can make anyone a little nervous and stressed at times!

No, US history honors is totally fine.
It’s a national (all of the US) mandate that all high school stusents take US history.

Now, go outside, have fun belting out show tunes from a swing, or cooking something elaborate or breakfast , or anything you can do in person and not online.

Stay away from this site till the Spring at least!

You have four years to take your HS classes. Slooooowww dowwwnnnn. College Confidential is a self-selected bunch of people who tend to be interested in top schools. Yes you hear of people that take 14 APs but that is not NORMAL.

About dropping AP Psych: I would say, go for it. Unless you’re planning to do Psychology, AP Psych is generally viewed as “AP filler” by colleges because they think it’s an easy class