I also know that the real estate rental market in Davis is very expensive; assuming you can find a place to rent.
<p>HAHA. Living in the dorms is MORE EXPENSIVE than living off-campus. If you shop wisely and buy generic brand food or go to Costco or Winco, its much cheaper than the dorms. There are so many apartment complexes at this time begging for more renters, offering specials, putting out ads. And expensive? Compared to the Bay Area housing market? Or compared to the LA housing market? </p>
The administration has already done that by overcrowding Davis. No matter how many programs UC Davis offers it doesn't really matter if they make living at UC Davis unbearable by cramming everybody into small dorm rooms, or, in the case of sophomores, juniors, and seniors, don't provide on campus housing for those who need it or want it and throw them off campus into the expensive local rental market. It is very difficult to finish college in a small town like Davis, or anywhere for that matter, if you don't have anywhere nearby to live.
<p>Very few upper classmen actually dorm, besides transfers. And again, there are tons of places to live here.</p>
Also, if you can't get the classes that you need to graduate in four years due to this overcrowding, how long will it take to get a degree from UC Davis? Five years, six years, maybe seven years?
<p>They're blocking off a good amount of intro classes to upper classmen so that the freshman and sophs can finish their GE's all the while forcing the upper classmen to take major prep classes instead of lollygagging by taking Intro classes. Makes sense to me.</p>
If all of these problems, created by overcrowding, are not the fault of the administration, who manages UC Davis and controls virtually every aspect of what goes on at UC Davis; then exactly who is reponsible for all of these problems that are creating this chaos at UC Davis?
<p>The state of California. California wants to offer high school students a chance at attending a university. UC Davis has finally gotten the recognition it deserves and the students have finally realized that UC Davis isn't just cow town. </p>
<p>I bet next year UC Davis doesn't admit kids and people are scratching their heads like, UC Davis is unfair and all you '06ers will be so thankful that we accepted that many students.</p>