I am socially crippled. Am I better off dropping out of college?

<p>I don't have friends at school, I am not in any group, I don't play any sport, I don't have a job. Furthermore, my roommate treats me condescendingly, some kids in some of my classes smirk at me and/or don't conceal the fact that they dislike me, people look at me funny when they ask the name of my major and I tell them I am still undecided. Furthermore, a librarian asked me the other day if I am a student. As to my being socially crippled, let me explain: I have a hard time joining conversations and making small talk; the times I try to socialize people just push me aside or ignore me. I joined a group (an extracurricular activity) but I was totally miserable since I was friends with nobody and and some kid made fun of me almost every day ever since the day he asked me a question about some current event and I answered "I don't know." I had a part time job, and I went though a similar experience, except that the persons giving me a hard time were some middle aged guys who never forgave the fact that I was a college student. And there are people in my dorm who don't like me. A friend of my roommate's once came into our room and asked my roommate, within earshot, what was wrong with me. I forgive him for perceiving me the way he perceived me, but asking that question within earshot, literally right behind my back? He must have thought I was mentally retarded or something. Either that or he is the biggest jerk ever. And that's what my life is like. Luckily, I am doing well academically, but why should I bother? Nobody is going to hire me, and if I fool someone into hiring me, they will likely fire me or let me go not too long after coworkers start asking why I never talk and what's wrong with me. Dropping out of college seems like a valid option, but my parents are old and poor and I can't depend on them. I feel angry at myself</p>

<p>Although not everyone has great social skills to start with (I didn’t for a very long time), it is something you can improve just by observing and practicing. It took me a while to get comfortable with making small talk and just carrying on average, everyday conversations, but I got there. You’ve just got to make a conscious effort.</p>

<p>Don’t drop out. There are plenty of jobs out there that do not require you to be social at all. You have a much better chance at being hired and being able to support your parents if you graduate than if you drop out. You can always work on your social skills later. Finish what you started. Hang in there.</p>

<p>If you are uncomfortable talking in person, try talking to people online first. With practice, making small talk gets easier.</p>

<p>Go into abstract jobs and you don’t need social skills. Or join some institution and research.</p>

<p>Dropping out will solve nothing. You think it is hard to get a job now? Try getting one with no experience and no education. If you drop out you are likely to end up working in warehouses or fast food jobs. Have you considered transferring? It might help some. Maybe even stepping back and enrolling at a community college next year to get some perspective. You will probably find that you have a lot less trouble fitting in at a community college, and the experience may help your confidence and make things easier for you in the future.</p>

<p>what do these people not like about you?</p>

<p>You sound like you have social anxiety. It’s not the people who don’t like you. The only person who doesn’t like you is YOU. </p>

<p>R E L A X </p>

<p>Take a chill pill and [do</a> what this great sage does](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0a55pwZtE]do”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0a55pwZtE)</p>

<p>"what do these people not like about you? "</p>

<p>I suppose they don’t like the way they feel when I am within their proximity. But, to be fair, people usually are friendly the first time they meet me, afterwards I sense some resentment on their part, possibly because I rarely talk (I am not cool)</p>

<p>"You sound like you have social anxiety. It’s not the people who don’t like you. The only person who doesn’t like you is YOU. "</p>

<p>no it’s not social anxiety. I just don’t know how to socialize. I lack the knowledge and the clarity of thought.</p>

<p>what is it you’re doing that people think you’re ■■■■■■■■ when they look at you? wait, are you the person who started that thread on how you have Aspergers or whatever? because people with aspergers can’t really help how they come off. </p>

<p>anyway it’s no reason to drop out. if you’re a freshman being undecided isn’t a huge deal, and weren’t you also the person who said you were thinking of being a math major? yeah that’s not really a particularly “social” profession from what I’ve heard. Do you want to be social and just aren’t successful in that, or are you naturally a loner but feel pressure to be social for the sake of it?</p>

<p>"Do you want to be social and just aren’t successful in that, or are you naturally a loner but feel pressure to be social for the sake of it? "</p>

<p>the latter</p>

<p>Only you can decide if you want to drop out or not. Either way, your lack of social skills will continue to effect your life. In all probability, you might be better off exploring different jobs during the next few years rather than spending your time “not fitting in” to the college environment. A college degree is helpful but it does not guarantee employment. The ability to be flexible, confidence, good social skills, good communication skills, common sense, independence, and the ability to think quickly and make decisions are equally important.</p>

<p>So, you must ask yourself: “Why am I attending college? What are my goals? Are my goals realistic?”</p>

<p>This is something you need to figure out. Your threads on CC tend to have a recurring theme: you feel that eveyone hates you; you’re smarter than most but no one realizes it; can’t get along with roommate; professors think I’m stupid, and it goes on and on and on.
We can’t give you the answers you’re searching for. Perhaps professional counseling will help you to sort out your issues.</p>

<p>Same content, different thread title.</p>

<p>I would transfer schools… maybe you’ll have better look at another school.</p>

<p>Try checking out fraternities.</p>

<p>yeah maybe you should transfer to a school where more kids are like you idk</p>

<p>really you don’t need to be a brilliant conversationalist for every job out there; I know plenty of people whose social skills are at the same level or lower than yours but are extremely intelligent and are probably heading for decent-paying careers in tech and math-related jobs. My boss is also, although great with math, a terrible conversationalist with a pretty poor grasp of English language and grammar (and he still can’t spell my name on a check after all these years to top it off lol); Nonetheless, this is a guy who manages to run his own tutoring business and has also had some research published.</p>

<p>You’ll be fine; just do what you want to do (that means if you want to become more social go ahead and take the suggestions you’ve gotten above, but don’t force it).</p>

<p>thats a dumb reason to drop out of college. </p>

<p>you are there to get your college degree first and foremost.</p>

<p>you make a lot of weird threads, pmvd aka innovative box.</p>



<p>So true.</p>

<p>Anyway, since you said you just don’t know how to socialize, you can try talking to random people on the internet for practice at first(don’t make this your life though).</p>

<p>"yeah maybe you should transfer to a school where more kids are like you idk "</p>

<p>Akkitka, a school such as?</p>

<p>If you mean a community college, I would prefer an academically challenging environment.</p>

<p>yeah, I currently go to a liberal arts school…</p>