<p>nysmile, here’s my response to your accusation that I have Narcissistic personality disorder:</p>
<p>----"Symptoms Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:
Believing that you’re better than others "</p>
<p>I am just another random human being. Not better or worse than anyone.</p>
<p>----“Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness”</p>
<p>I would like to be successful (who wouldn’t?), but am not concerned with power or attractiveness.</p>
<p>----“Exaggerating your achievements or talents”</p>
<p>Well, I have never “achieved” anything per se, besides being accepted to a university. And then again, millions of people accomplish the same thing every year, so my “achievement” is not even something worth bragging about. As for my talents, I have no talent that I know of. (I wish I had a talent, then I wouldn’t have to waste my time in college.)</p>
<p>----“Expecting constant praise and admiration”</p>
<p>I don’t expect constant praise or admiration. What I do want is every single person I come into contact with to treat me respectfully. They don’t have to treat me with reverence, just respectfully. As long as they treat me the way they would treat any normal person, I am all set.</p>
<p>----“Believing that you’re special”</p>
<p>I am just another random human being.</p>
<p>----“Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings”</p>
<p>I am not a genius when it comes to emotional intelligence. I am not sure what that has to do with narcissism, though.</p>
<p>----“Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans”</p>
<p>As a loner, I don’t really have a crowd around me that I can expect or not expect to go along with my “plans” or “ideas”.</p>
<p>----“Taking advantage of others”</p>
<p>I still live with my parents. Some could argue that I am taking advantage of them, but I don’t see it that way. As soon as I have a job (if I ever get one) I will help them financially.</p>
<p>----"Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior "</p>
<p>Though I feel a certain amount of dislike for those who give me a hard time, I tend to look the other way. I don’t accustom to put people down and don’t like people who like to put other people down.</p>
<p>----“Being jealous of others”</p>
<p>I feel admiration for successful people who have defeated the odds and overcome adversity, but not “jealous” of them. Jealousy means “to feel unhappy because of another’s advantages, possessions, or luck.” That’s not me at all. If you are doing well in life, good for you, at least your life probably doesn’t suck as much as mine does.</p>
<p>----"Believing that others are jealous of you "</p>
<p>I grant you that in high school I was teased so much that at times I wondered whether my bullies would go away if I stopped doing well in school, but were they jealous of me? Looking back, I believe that the reason I was teased so much is because of my low interpersonal skills and disinterested attitude, but were the bullies truly jealous of me? If they were, I feel sorry for them for feeling jealous of someone like me. I mean, read the threads I write.</p>
<p>----"Trouble keeping healthy relationships "</p>
<p>As a loner, I don’t trouble keeping healthy (or unhealthy) relationships, because I rarely begin relationships.</p>
<p>----"Setting unrealistic goals "</p>
<p>The point of this thread is about dropping out of college. If you want to argue that dropping out of college is an unrealistic goal…</p>
<p>----"Being easily hurt and rejected "</p>
<p>I am a sensible person. So what? It doesn’t mean I am a narcissist.</p>
<p>----"Having a fragile self-esteem "</p>
<p>Perhaps I have low self-esteem, but that’s because I am overly aware of my limitations. That actually implies the opposite of narcissism.</p>
<p>----"Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional "</p>
<p>High school bullies seemed to really get a kick out of making fun of me, so I suppose that if I appeared unemotional, they probably would have gotten bored of making fun of me and gone away. As for the tough-minded part, I don’t suppose that’s the way I come across, feeble minded perhaps.</p>