I am a Us citizen but have lived outside the US my whole life. My SATs are really low 1170 (630 math 540 English) but I have 1A* 5As 3Bs at IGCSE and 35 predicted IB points 6 in English Lang Lit HL, 6 in Chem HL, 5 in Bio HL. I want to major in biochemistry and I have some impressive extracurricular activities such as soccer for my school and I do voluntary work outside school once a week. Please anyone know which unis I have a shot at getting into? :(((
Have you tried taking the ACT instead? Some people do way better on it than the SAT (myself included)
go to the links on the left and find a college that will fit your stats.
and open this link:
It’s a bit too late to take them as most of the unis I want to apply to require scores by December. Do you think I can get into any UC schools? What about UF, USF, UW??
UCs: Merced, possibly Riverside
But my IB and IGCSE are good, also my references from the school, essays, extra curricular activities. So I have no chance of UCSB?
Wait for the admissions notices to come out, you never know.
The colleges use the tests (SAT, ACT) to note the level of your academic preparation since some schools do “grade inflation” and others don’t. If your scores are lower than expected, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pace of the other students at higher performing schools.
What about UF, USF, UW???
I don’t know about OOS schools.
What is your GPA
Thing is I do school outside the US so I don’t have a gpa, I just have 35 at IB diploma
Can you afford the UC’s? They are $55K per year to out of state residents.
Yes I can afford them, do you think I have a chance tho?
Hard to say: UCM, UCR and maybe Santa Cruz if possible.
Oh thank you, so I should give up on UCSB?
I don’t really know anything about what your IB Diploma would mean in terms of GPA but you should be coming up with a list of at least 5-7 schools so you could put something like:
2 Schools that are hard to get into
2 schools that are strong possibilities for you to get into
2 schools that are pretty easy for anybody to get into.
You seem to only be worrying about difficult schools but have you thought about any back ups?
All the unis I’ve applied to
Uni of Washington
UM college park
UM Baltimore county
Texas at Austin
Hofstra University
Fordham University
What chances do I have? :(((
We don’t magically have all the answers for you. The best way to gauge your chances is to look at the “admitted student profile” of each school. For example, the one I linked for UCSB. You need to do your own research too.
Because you’re international with no US GPA it’s hard to statistically predict how competitive you are. If you’re really worried and you already applied to those, stop worrying about things you can’t change and maybe find some easy admit back-up schools to apply to.