I applied for Transfer admission and I still haven't recieved my decision

<p>Crazy, right? I applied for transfer admission for the engineering school last January, and I still haven't received a decision from Virginia Tech. On May 5th, the school told me that they needed to see my final Spring grades before making a decision. </p>

<p>My grades are fine, and I graduated with an associates degree in electrical engineering from NOVA with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 - so I should should be accepted under the guaranteed admission agreement. Finals ended early May and I had some trouble getting all my teachers to submit my correct grades, so I sent my Spring grades a little later than I wanted. I requested that they be sent on May 22nd, and I checked my application status and Virginia Tech received my final transcript May 28th.</p>

<p>I thought everything would be fine and my decision would be arriving shortly. But then when all my friends started going to orientation, I started to get worried. I called the school during orientation week, and I was told that they don't have my final transcript! It said they did online but the school didn't have my Spring grades. I had them sent again, and this time, I called to verify that they had my grades. This time they did.</p>

<p>So then I thought I could sit and wait. But last week I started to get worried. I called the school and spoke to Jane Todd. I asked," I know you can't officially give me a decision over the phone, but I want to ask you something unofficially. What are my chances of admission for the Fall?" She said," if you had given us the materials two months ago, I would say that your chances are good, but now we're in the middle of summer and its more about space than it is about you."</p>

<p>In a way, I was happy she gave me a real honest answer. Most admission people avoid honest answers so well that they could make a politician jealous. But now I am shocked, angered, and very upset. I did my part. I got everything in on time and made sure I qualified for guaranteed admission. Why should I be penalized because Virginia Tech lost my information? </p>

<p>I called her back and told her I got everything in on time, but she said she had material dated 6/20 and that is all she can go for. She said she was 99% sure I wont be in for the Fall, but I MAY be able to get in for the Spring. I just don't believe this is right. I wrote a letter to Director of Admission explaining my situation, and she should get it some time this week. I hope she sees that Virginia Tech losing my information isn't my fault. </p>

<p>By some miracle, my aunt supervised NOVA's Dean of Student Service's dissertation, and he said he will do some research on his end, but if he finds evidence to back me up, he will personally call VT to say it wasn't my fault. That could help, but I'm losing my optimism. </p>

<p>The deadline for the other schools I got into has past. I was so optimistic about Tech that I didn't think I should even bother with anyone else, especially since I am guaranteed in. But now my optimism is fading and I need some advice on how to approach this. Should I give up? Should I try and get back in at GMU or VCU, or should I continue fighting? </p>

<p>If I don't hear anything back from Tech by Tuesday of next week, I am driving down on Wednesday to speak to someone. I just can't believe VT would think this is right. </p>

<p>Thanks for all advice.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted as a transfer back in May – however, she rec’d a “D” in a class, they recinded her admissions, but said that if she retook the class and got at least a “B” she would be reinstated. She did just that…however, she rec’d an email on Monday saying that because of space limitations she was denied admissions. The next available date for tranfers to apply is Summer/Fall 2013 admission date ---- they will not open up admissions to tranfers for Spring 2013 either b/c of space.</p>

<p>Wow… That is not encouraging information. I’m sorry to hear that. I checked both my email addresses and I haven’t received anything from Tech just yet.</p>

<p>But I got all my information in late May. If Virginia Tech rejects me because of space issues when I wasn’t given the chance to be offered admission before there was a space issue, I’ll be highly upset. Especially if the school lost my material in the first place.</p>

<p>Which school did you’re daughter apply to and what school did she apply from?</p>

<p>She got into Animal Poultry Science — went to Northern VA CC for 1 year — got a 3.0 1st semester; 2.8 2nd semester — she had to retake her Applied Calc b/c she rec’d a “d”, if I knew that she was having trouble b/c of the teacher – he didn’t teach and only gave tests 1x/week – I would have had her drop the class and add another calc class or take an econ class – but I try to stay out of her “college” experience – she learned the hard way.<br>
She immediately retook the class with a great teacher and rec’d a “B” – over the weeks we were in contact with Admissions (Jane Todd) and she never indicated to her that her space was in jeapoardy…boy, it was a slap in the face when she rec’d that email on Monday. We rec’d an email from the Dean of the School apologizing for the mishap and to not give up hope. He also said that there would be no acceptances for transfers in Spring '13 that she’d have to wait until next summer/fall to apply…so as long as she keeps up her 3.0 GPA and gets in all stuff by the cutoff date, I believe it is sometime in February for transfers, that she’ll have a good shot.<br>
Good luck to you, as well…and don’t give up. BTW: I went onto UVA transfer criteria website and they do not have as stringent requirements as Tech! Go figure!</p>

<p>I just went to the VT.edu website and the transfer page – they’ve noted, “applications will not be considered for spring '13 due to space limitations”.</p>

<p>Hey im sorry to hear about your daughter but she is not alone…could you link me where it says spring applicants will not be considered? Thanks</p>

<p>[Dates</a> and Deadlines | Applying as a Transfer Student](<a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/transfer/dates_deadlines.php]Dates”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/transfer/dates_deadlines.php)</p>

<p>There is the link.</p>

<p>I got a call from the school and I was accepted. The reason I can’t go for the Fall is because there isn’t enough space. But, because I qualify for the guaranteed admission agreement, Virginia Tech will honor the agreement and are offering me admission in the Spring. </p>

<p>I hear they let in a very select few and I’m sure most of them probably got in under the agreement too. </p>

<p>Thanks for all your input guys. Definitely do your best to qualify for the agreement.</p>