I average about 5 hrs of schoolwork a week.

<p>I just read a couple of threads in which people complain about the overwhelming amount of workload. </p>

<p>Our school got rained/iced out today and I was planning to study for such a long time! But I didn't. I watched a lot of TV and planned some Rock Band (damn drumbeats), then I made dinner and my whole day was gone. </p>

<p>I said hey I should do some work for tonight, you know like learning French like I always wanted to. Nope. Watched Law and Order (2 in a row!)</p>

<p>I said well maybe I will recite that Spanish poem I have to, eventually. But I am here typing up this post for all of you to read.</p>

<p>I am a junior and I think I count myself as a typical CC'er with above average grades, yet I don't work as hard as you do. I probably go through a 500 page book every two weeks and read some magazines. Other than that I dabble around in the SATs and I don't have that much to do. I never had an all nighter in my life because I never had an opportunity to do so, even with homework piling for 5 classes. I did take a college class and that was 4 hours a day. Hmm.</p>

<p>Should I feel guilty? Or should I load myself with more work?</p>

<p>EDIT: maybe I should describe my situation</p>

<p>Junior, ~2000 HS
Spanish 5.
One "class" for mentoring with a guy. Probably takes like 10 hours of outside time every month. I have to watch my stocks also.</p>

<p>some high schools are like that. your teachers and curriculum probably just aren’t as rigorous as other schools. i can say this because i went to a school (public, about 1800 kids) like yours at one point. then i moved schools and got a huge shock when my usual work ethic wasn’t cutting it. so the fact that you aren’t loaded down with homework is a good thing. i would enjoy it if i were you.</p>

<p>bad thing is that I don’t load my extra time with a ton of EC. We are in this god-awful place that doesn’t let you get out too much (at least without a properly fitted car). </p>

<p>I do a ton of EC during the summer, cannot wait.</p>

<p>That kind of workload sounds really nice; At our school, we’re not even allowed to take two history classes in one year, and the history classes are notorious for the amount of busy work.</p>

<p>Psych is considered a history class in our schools -.-</p>

<p>I wanted to take music theory and art history but nobody offers it.</p>

<p>Wow, lucky!</p>

<p>i wouldn’t overload yourself with work unless you want to. i wish i had more free time in high school. but, just be prepared for college. you get the same amount of work but it is harder/denser/makes your mind want to explode. and you don’t have parents or teachers pushing you to do it. i would start getting into a good work habit now so you don’t get screwed in two years.</p>

<p>yeah i’m a junior too… and i have to say i barely have any work. i have no study halls, but i manage to finish like all my homework in school because i have so much extra time in classes.</p>

<p>lucky! i usually have about 15 hours of work each week.</p>

<p>how can you have APUSH and not have that much homework?
I wish I had your teacher</p>

<p>Same here man, I rarely do homework except for essays that need to be turned in.</p>

<p>My school is not very rigorous, so I don’t have to do that much. But luckily I still understand the material. I just don’t put as much time into it.</p>

<p>LMAO mine’s like less than 20 minutes a week.</p>

<p>Depends, sometimes it’s an hour.</p>

<p>5 hours of work a week sounds like a lot compared to my school. I probably spent about 10 hours working on school at home for the first semester. This is my senior year and I have a 4.0.</p>

<p>I average about 5 hours of school work A DAY…</p>

<p>You don’t have ANY math or science classes?? That might partially explain it.</p>

<p>I’m really not sure how much HW I average weekly. I mean, when that’s your normal workload, you get used to it. My school assigns a lot of homework but the only people who usually can’t handle the rigor very well are recent transfers. Everyone else gets used to doing math homework in unimportant classes, during lunch, squeezing in reading for histories, etc.</p>

<p>I guess it’s bad that I looked at the title and said “wow, that’s a lot”</p>

<p>I open my backpack at home a few times a month, and only ever for one class (IB Topics).</p>

<p>Other classes:
Precalc - haven’t done a HW yet all year
IB Env. Systems - do the labs in class, thats all the work we have
IB ITGS - haven’t had any work yet, the Internal Assessment may take a little while but I should be able to do it mostly during class
Psychology - bs class
AP English - lol</p>

<p>the only class I’ve ever done a real amount of work in was IB Computer Science and that was the dossier, ended up being ~95 pages (not as much as it seems though, lots of it was redundant code and BS documentation)</p>