I-Banking from Miami

<p>Hello, Is it possible to break into Investment banking as an undergraduate from Miami's business school? What I'm asking is if Miami is a target or semi-target.</p>

<p>[Bermont-Carlin</a> Scholars Program Helps Position Undergraduates for Careers in Finance : University of Miami School of Business](<a href=“Miami Herbert Business School | News & Events | University of Miami”>Miami Herbert Business School | News & Events | University of Miami)</p>

<p>I believe everyone of the featured group worked on Wall St. this summer…If you like 17hr+ days, IB may be for you…</p>

<p>I do enjoy 17 hour workdays thanks. I am hoping for a student to come on and perhaps give a list of well known investment banks or hedge funds that recruit on campus. Also the chances of landing an internship without the program through on campus recruitment and an eventual full time job.</p>