I can't afford on campus housing my last semester.....

<p>I am 22 years old and I have one semester of college left. I am running out of financial aid and cannot afford on campus housing this semester even though I am working part time. My parents do not help me with any of my tuition or school fees. My original plan was to move back into my parents house and commute to school for my last semester. I told my parents I was moving back with them, but my mom has been really crazy. She has been going through a rough time health wise, but she finally cleared by her doctor and is able to go back to work. I love her but our relationship was horrible when I lived at home. She tried to give me a curfew (I used to work full time as a server in a bar until 4 am and she would accuse me of partying even though I was really still at work), she steals money from me and uses my credit cards. She also guilt trips me about everything. She is very religious so I know she will not take the news well.</p>

<p>However, I have been with my boyfriend for a year. He has a stable and very well paying job. He has also offered to lend me the money for my summer tuition (so I don't have to take out a high interest private loan). He asked me to move in with him. He is planning on relocating for his job in about a year, so this would be a good time for us to see if we really are able to live together, that way I will know if I want to relocate with him or not. How should I break this news to my parents? As they are very religious they will not be ok with this arrangement; however, sometimes they don't exactly have my best interests in mind. They want me to take out a private loan with no cosigner even though I have maxed out on my stafford sub and un sub loans and financial aid.</p>

<p>Basically I don’t have many options at this point and this seems to be the best one. I don’t know how to approach this whole issue though.</p>

<p>You are 22 and your parents aren’t supporting you or paying our tuition, so I think that you should do what’s best for you. If you’re comfortable moving in with your boyfriend and it solves some of your financial worries, go for it. It’s very nice that you are concerned about your parent’s approval, but I don’t really think they’ve earned the right to influence your decisions. </p>

<p>I see two options about telling your parents. You can either tell them the truth and deal with their wrath, or just tell them that you’re living with a “friend” and not give too many details. </p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>

<p>The “friend” thing won’t work. I definitely will have to tell them the truth. I am a horrible liar and she’ll be even angrier if I lie and then she finds out the truth.</p>

<p>your mom sounds crazy. you should do what’s best for you</p>

<p>If your parents aren’t helping you out, then they get no say over what you do with your life. Tell them what you’re doing (because honesty legitimately is always the best policy), and regardless of what they say, do what YOU want.</p>