I cant believe it

<p>this person i know got into rutgers today and applied TWO weeks ago. they have lower stats then me and i applied in september.</p>

<p>does this frustrate anyone else as much as it me??</p>

<p>Yes, why yes it does. What were thier stats?</p>

<p>If you applied in September, and haven’t been given a response yet, I’d be calling their admissions office asking what’s up, and what are they doing??</p>

<p>That sucks.</p>

<p>Hmm, perhaps you should have your guidance counselor call them. You have until the end of February to hear a decision though. I know the wait sucks, but you’ll hear from them soon.</p>

<p>i have called admissions and they said that they dont actually have to tell me until feb 28th. and also they didnt decide who they are going to let into business and that may be holding my app up because i applied there</p>

<p>their stats were 3.4 and 1780</p>

<p>i have called admissions and they said that they dont actually have to tell me until feb 28th. and also they didnt decide who they are going to let into business and that may be holding my app up because i applied there</p>

<p>their stats were 3.4 and 1780</p>

<p>business and pharmacy applicants take a lot longer</p>

<p>its still annoying to wait this long and then that i heard someone didnt even apply by the priority deadline and they heard before i did</p>

<p>it really sucks to have someone apply after the deadline and get a decision before someone who applied before the deadline. are you sure this person applied two weeks ago? if so, this is extremely unfair!!!</p>

<p>its not a big deal … you can probably guess if you got in or not anyways</p>

<p>yea, business is competitive so it does take longer like -Lurker- stated. And the other person probably heard back because they were admitted to SAS, right – not business?</p>

<p>Anyway, good luck. I hope you hear from them soon =)</p>

<p>RU AO is sucks.
TCNJ is simply better school , better ,AND BETTER ADMISSION OFFICE/DEAN.
Oh! better reputations.</p>

<p>this is a rutgers thread i hate tcnj ive been there on multiple occasions and its not what im looking for in a college</p>

<p>I’ll be honest, outside of NJ, Rutgers has a far better reputation than TCNJ.</p>

<p>I got into both RU and TCNJ, and I’m already enrolled at RU for Fall '09.</p>

<p>cvcknight aka redbank007, you are a moron. Get off the Rutgers board, go back to the TCNJ board and get a life bro, you are in college. Go to class or go drink yourself to death, something sweet like that.</p>