I cant schedule for a Texas A&M NSC

Hello, today I tried scheduling for an NSC, but it said there are no dates available. Apparently the last day was taken up yesterday. A NSC is required to attend TAMU, and you are required to register for your NSC by May 1st, but I can not do that. Is there anything I can do to ensure I can go to Texas A&M?

It appears from the website that

As for your case (not scheduling early enough)

Your best bet would probably be to call them and see what options are available. Honestly, it isn’t looking too good. The excuse of “I waited until the last minute to apply, only to find out there were no more options” doesn’t exactly sit will with the college.

However, waiting until April 30th (when the deadline was May 1st) to schedule your NSC probably wasn’t a good idea.

If it turns out that you can’t attend TAMU, you will probably have to wait until the next semester or year.

I agree with @RMNiMiTz that you likely won’t be accommodated if you call.


I literally just checked and I saw that their were two extra dates still available. 7/19/2017 ~ 7/20/2017 and 8/21/2017 ~ 8/22/2017 GET THEM SOON!

@InstantLightning I tagged you so when you log back in to CC, you can see you have a notification. Good luck. Make on of those dates work for you.
I wonder how come no dates were showing for the OP at 1AM but lessonwich sees two dates open? However, NSC is major specific so perhaps the NSCs for the OP’s major is closed.

@Thelma2 Good point, I didn’t think about the major part. But I would assume that some students won’t cancel their NSC’s (if at all) until the last possible moment. But it may just be major based

@InstantLightning The following is posted on a band on top of the AIS portal page:
Freshman applicants: if you are trying to register for an NSC and no conference dates are available, you may send a message using the Contact Us feature - subject NSC Registration, or you may call our Fee Office, 979-458-5155. Leave a message with your name, UIN (if available), and phone number if our staff is unable to answer.

did you get this straightened out?! concerned for you… :slight_smile: