<p>All of the above. I’m sure there are legitimate reasons for people to drop out of college, but I doubt you fall into that category (I didn’t bother reading your long ass rant).</p>
<p>This is clearly the result of someone who has just finished reading Twilight.</p>
<p>It does that to you.</p>
<p>search ‘dropping out’</p>
<p>u’ll see an essay on dropping out by Ran Prieur. Some of the content is good although some of it sounds silly</p>
<p>Well if you want the truth I would say stupid and loser, I can’t say lazy because I don’t know you but you might be.</p>
<p>I dropped out of college once. It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, to be honest. My grades were on the decline, my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, and I was just generally unhappy. I thought starting a new life might be my best choice, so I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and it had dice in the mirror.</p>
<p>God you type too much.</p>
<p>go help out in Haiti. Maybe you’ll find a purpose.</p>
<p>or run for Congress…another perfectly acceptable way to throw away a life. You’ll be a huge success. Or perhaps you can become a czar. They don’t have any real responsibility.</p>
<p>Sigh. OP can’t even find an original/humorous way to ■■■■■.</p>
<p>darks0ulz is right, I didn’t type the original message. I lifted it from another forum and tried to make it pass as my own. If you want to know why I did it it’s because I am not as good with words as the real OP and I also don’t know as much philosophy as he does. Even though the words are not mine, the important part is that I profoundly identify with the real OP, and share his boredom and lack of interest in life. That’s what matters. Not who typed the message.</p>
<p>you clearly do not know how to work the system and do not wish to. Whatever, your choice to fail in life, and that is what makes you stupid.</p>
<p>One less cockroach eating the trash! More food for the rest of us! Yay!</p>
<p>OP I was not able to read all of your post yet as I was only scamming through it. I did catch you asking about how to drop out of society. Well that would be difficult to do in the USA, you probably would have to lose gain your citizenship in another country, like an underdeveloped one.</p>
Actually it matters. Plagiarism, bro.</p>
<p>OP, you are only human and humans need social interaction. Find people with common interests, go for walks, jog, volunteer, cook, do something. Get out there and you will be fine.</p>
<p>This reminds me of Dostoevsky. (I know that’s not exactly relevant, but the OP plagiarized the whole thing anyway, so what does it matter?)</p>
<p>Is this PMVD/InnovativeBoxx?</p>
<p>develop the new facebook or new microsoft. bill gates dropped out of college but he did something meaningful as well. good luck with your “evolutionary” process.</p>
<p>tl;dr - *** is this thread even about</p>