I confess: I dropped out of college. Would you say I am lazy, stupid or a loser?

<p>You’re not the only “malcontent” out there. I’m with the community college idea. Try to do something with you’re life. If not for you then for the people who love you. I was parent-less at 17 and I very nearly dropped out of college, but the idea of dissapointing them by my actions was pretty horrible to think about. After I left my university I came to my senses and I’m taking courses at a community college now. Just TRY to do something.</p>

<p>Watching the movie visioneers might also help.</p>



<p>An interesting idea, but I already wrote off college. Why am I going to waste my time at a community college? Do you think I dropped out of college because it was difficult?</p>



<p>What’s the difference between being a lowly paid, disposable white collar worker and a blue collar worker? Do you think the white collar worker made something out of his life? They both failed.</p>

<p>This man is a lost cause; ditch him. Millions more will take his place.</p>

<p>By the way, OP, what are you doing now, exactly?</p>

<p>Edit: I believe that the fact you posted this topic is proof that you still care, in some way. Interesting.</p>



<p>You could start your own business. You could become some kind of nomad or traveler, especially if you’re not someone who is really attached to luxury things like cable TV to be happy. I’d suggest more but you should really watch Visioneers. It really is brilliant, all kidding aside. If you’ve wrote off college as an option, there are still so many others that giving up is extremely premature.</p>

<p>Antidepressants, exercise and fresh air would be my antidote. If you hate the whole college experience, I really don’t understand why you’re not posting on a rat-race hating forum somewhere else instead of here. Obviously the majority of people here have found some semblance of meaning in their lives and don’t have a lot of time for self-serving rants.</p>

<p>“By the way, OP, what are you doing now, exactly?”</p>

<p>Everything I used to do before I dropped out of college with the exception of going to class and memorizing answers the night before exams.</p>

<p>I actually kinda like the fact that the universe has no inherent, objective meaning. It basically gives me free reign to make my own, which is arguably pretty tight. </p>

<p>Anyways wwwwttf@this thread</p>

it’s old friend pmvd who has no life and has no desire to have a life…which answers you question at the bottom of #48</p>

<p>Hey pvardc, I really like and respect you. Please PM me if you want to talk. Alternatively, I’m in a mailing list and I’d really appreciate it if you can join it so that we can understand you better. maybe you’d fit in there better. Thanks!</p>



<p>Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reference?</p>



<p>i feel the same way as you, at least once in a while.</p>

<p>the only solution to your problem is to win the lottery… somewhere like $100 million dollars. that way you can live in the woods in a very nice house and you will never ever have to leave your house and have contact with another human being again. you could order food or whatever you want and have it delivered to your house. </p>

<p>this is the only possible solution i can think of.</p>

<p>seriously though, you could occupy your attention with computer games for the rest of the life. the meaning of life doesnt mean anything when you’re having fun for your life. :stuck_out_tongue: and really, who cares about making money. Just live with someone (hell, I’d allow you to live with me and I’d pay for you if I could make money myself) tolerant of you and they might pay for your essentials while you live with them. i’ve seriously thought of offering myself as a pet for someone. but i’d pay someone to live with me if they would go in LAN parties with me every day. :p</p>

<p>What…did I just read?</p>

<p>ok you are an idiot get a ****ing job if not for self preservation they get one so you mother won’t cry her self to sleep knowing that she made so many sacrafices so you could have more than you parents did and you are just throwing it away. Your future is not decided by college my dad never went to college and he is a very successful man he is also my hero. YOU ARE WASTEING YOUR LIFE!!! is that really what you want for yourself to be a 40 year old virgin living withhis parents. GET OFF YOU BUTT AND MAKE SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. its not about conforming to society its about doing something with your life. ok ive been listening to this wuestion allll year maybe you should ask your self it. “what do you want out of life?” i want to have a carreer in art. to achieve this i am going to college so i can learn and make the most out of it. you can’t be a kid forever, your parents aren’t gonna be alive forever you need to learn to take care of yourself and take responsibility for yourself. stop blaming the economy or your parents or asking a college website if you are a loser. My friend has to drop out of high school because he has to get a full time job. he is currently trying to get his G.E.D and is joining the army to pay for school. he is 18 and he is more responsible and more grown up than you are. Take a cue from my friend who had to endure his mother, the only person who truley cared about him, she killed herself last year. if he can go through everything he has had to and still take responsibility for himself and still press on in life then im sure a little free loading lazy idiot like you can at least get a job. stop acting like your 12 and grow up. im 17 years old, me tell you that you need to grow up should tell you something.</p>

<p>computer games are the opiate of existential angst. srsly, even the homeless have computers and wifi now; then with uTorrent you can have all the time in the world for computer games ;)</p>

<p>The words “existential” and “angst” get erased from your vocabulary if you have a happy sex life.</p>

<p>What is with CC that keeps attracting people like this?</p>

<p>but it’s hard to attract chicks when one has such extreme existential angst :(</p>

<p>We don’t attract women because we are boring and physically unattractive. It has nothing to do with existentialism.</p>