I do better in my AP classes than my honors classes? problem?

<p>Hey guys, so I am a junior from Virginia (NOVA). By the end of junior year I would have taken 6 Ap's (2 soph and 4 junior year)...my problem is that I do considerably better in my AP's classes (I have had 4 A's.1 B+ and a B) than my honors (mostly A's but some B+s and Bs)..plus i have shown good improvement over the years ( 3.7 W GPA fresh, 4.2 Soph, and a 4.5 Junior)</p>

<p>so i was wondering, when VT looks at my transcript would this come off as a good or bad thing? how bout my course rigor..do you guys think 6 Ap's would place me in a competitive league?</p>

<p>If you’ve got over a 4.0 and you don’t get in then your GPA wasn’t the problem. You’re fine grades wise. Make sure you do well on the ACT/SAT and you ought to be just fine.</p>

<p>well I think i am going to apply to the college of science…so i am hoping for a 2000+ SAT score…
thnx chuy for ur input</p>