<p>I just want to say I am not very good at grammar.</p>
<p>So here is the situation, my only friend told me that we should be roommates next year off campus. I didn't hesitate even at though I can stay on campus all four year and the deadline was not up yet. Two week after the deadline was up, meaning I couldn't stay on campus any longer. He goes and tell me that his parents wanted him to live alone and that we couldn't be roommates. I was like "are you ****ing kidding me"? So I quickly got to work trying to find random roommates and a place to stay off campus. Today he come in barging into my room and he tell me that his parents no longer can afford for him to stay by himself so he going to roommate with my current roommate who is my sworn enemy. He goes in and make some excuse like "Oh I'm so sorry", "It just happen you know", "hey I can help you find a place off campus". He came in very nervous and felt really guilty and just try his best to find all sort of excuse. So first of all, he know I hate my current roommates and yet he is taking the easy way out and backstabbing me at the same time because his roommates already found a place with some other people who he doesn't know and he doesn't want to take in the same amount of effort with me to find a place off-campus. His words absolutely mean nothing now, the simply fact is he left me high and dry. There is nothing much worst than that, it three strike against him. The first time was by accident but this time it is permanent. I feel betrayed, I feel like I lost a friend.</p>
<p>How can you deal with your friend living with your sworn enemy, and how can you even deal with your friend being friend and hanging out with your sworn enemy or just someone who you truly hate? Now how can u deal with your friend (he call me his best friend) who decided to be your roommate's roommate over you? How would you feel, how should I feel. I don't even feel the need to have any energy to convince him otherwise, he had the chance to fix thing back the way they are, and he didn't.</p>
<p>With the hectic schedule next year and we are living very far apart, it is likely I won't see him much. I just feel betrayed and that his quick decision will have dire consequence with our friendship. In other word, I think I lost a friend, my only friend. </p>
<p>Parents, I need your help</p>