I feel like this is ridiculous

<p>If it's cold where you're going, shouldn't it be common sense to buy warm clothes? If your school doesn't have a dress code, shouldn't it make common sense to wear something that's not revealing or crass? If your school doesn't specify what kind of laptop to bring, shouldn't it be obvious that you can probably bring any? Shouldn't you ask your school's IT about what laptop would be best? Or maybe get your lazy ax to Best Buy and find out? I also think it's pretty obvious that a bathroom shared by four or more boys is going to be a mess. All these questions are just ridiculous.</p>


<p>As much as these things seem to be common sense to you, the posters who ask these questions may not have had the same life experience as you and are very anxious about these things. Often they come from backgrounds where they haven't had to think about these things (their parents handle much of their affairs for them) and just need some basic reassurance before jumping into what probably is their first significant (summer camp doesn't count) experience away from home.</p>

<p>Relax, and look for posting subjects more interesting to you - or start a thread that you find interesting.</p>

<p>If they're so used to their parents doing everythign for them, why don't they just ask them? </p>

<p>ALso, I find it ridiculous that parents are allowed to be on this board. That's just plain creepy.</p>

<p>I ask a lot of questions because my parents don't help me with the process. If I attend boarding school next year, I would be the first to do so in my family.</p>

<p>My dad had the opportunity to go to boarding school in Switzerland, but he didn't want to move away from his friends. </p>

<p>I think having parents on here are very helpful. :)</p>

<p>My parents didn't help me at all either. I got throught iwth it just fine. I'm from Arizona. Gee, I wonder what the weather is like in New Hampshire? Cold? Oh hell, I might have to buy some WARM CLOTHING. </p>

<p>Is it REALLY that tough to figure things out?</p>

<p>Some of us are just really excited about the process. We want to know as much as we can so we're well prepared.</p>

<p>...or you can use common sense?</p>

<p>I apologize if my presence here makes you uncomfortable.</p>

<p>I found CC while researching schools for my daughter and was not the first parent here (nor will I be the last). I have found it interesting just to monitor the posts to see what issues are going through the heads of kids who are similar to the peers my daughter will be living with in the future.</p>

<p>I occasionally will try to give contructive advice that others are not contributing, but do not try to steer the younger members to one school or another (nor will I mention publically where my daughter will be going as this may be seen as steering).</p>

<p>I find it good that younger members are willing to ask advice of parents of others, as often their own parents know less than they do about these schools or have a very narrow position on one school they are intimately familiar with and want their child to go to.</p>

<p>I think some of these students are trying to learn to get information from some place other than their parents to validate what they have been thinking. This is a big step forward for these students as they are trying not to have their parents do everything for them.</p>

<p>This forum is reasonably well moderated (not that many objectionable posts are made) and I would be happy if my daughter desired to join and post. I actually worry about some places she goes (particularly myspace), as many these places tend to cater to the lower basic instincts of young people. And that draws in adults with lower basic instincts. Now THAT creeps ME out.</p>

<p>Once again, sorry to upset your day.</p>

<p>Kirei- most of the parents are in a good position to report on various schools which they have visited with their kids or which their kids have attended. The kids themselves are busy with school or already in college. If you don't like this forum, there's an easy solution. Bye.</p>

<p>Kirei, did you have a bad day? Lately your posts have been very sarcastic.</p>

<p>If you felt this thread was so ridiculous and nonsensical, then why do you still tolerate it? If you had really felt that way, then you should have just left without starting a useless debate.</p>

<p>Obviously people know that they need to bring warm, decent clothes to boarding school. They aren't stupid. They are asking about what's normally worn by students up north. Clearly, it's not going to be much of a departure from their normal attire. Nonetheless, people who don't live remotely near New England can legitimately ask these questions.</p>

<p>Also, even if my school DID specify a type of computer, would it hurt to ask here about the best type to bring? As it is, a computer type wasn't specified, which is why I wanted to ask the CC community. I was considering getting a Mac and I wanted a few questions answered about Mac compatability at most boarding schools. Oh, and I did call my school's technology office (as well as visiting the website) before I posted, and I did visit Best Buy plenty of times this summer. I must say, though, Best Buy isn't exactly the go-to place for computers. They offer about four different brands.</p>

<p>Either way, new students come to this forum to ask questions out of curiosity and enthusiasm, not stupidity. They're looking for re-assurance and helpful answers to their questions (which, by the way, are often provided by knowledgeable parents). If you're not willing to participate in such a discussion, then why are you still here?</p>

<p>Kirei, I'm a parent, what can I say.........CHILLLLLLLLLLL! many parents have lot's of questions that get answered on this board. Many parents offer a perspective that a prospective student/ and other parent may find helpful. It's not going to change, so either go with it, or do what ever it is you have to do to make you feel better.</p>

<p>Kerei, I, as the first person from my family to attend boarding school, find this site very helpful. Though such things might be considered "common sense" to you... for others, including me, I find suggestions on things such as laptops very helpful. Also, I will readily defend any comments that you throw at the adults on this board. Prepparent, GoalieDad, etc. have been great sources of information throughout the year. Good luck to everyone and just ignore comments like Kirei's...</p>

<p>well i admit that some of the questions are kinda well, obvious. i think that everyone has a good idea of what to do, but they like to assure themselves. so i go along and answer their questions.</p>

<p>i think this forum is for the kids, like myself, who had never, ever heard of how private schools work, and since i only knew 1 person in my town to ever apply, everything was new to me and i was pretty lost.
i understand how some questions might be obvious, but theres no need to rant.</p>

<p>plus, forums are here so you can help others, not to poke fun.
why waste your time here if its just to complain?
the rest of us are here to aid, that's all.</p>

<p>I think people are just really hyper and scared and want to learn anything possiable(like myself)</p>