<p>Just looking back, it all looks rather silly. There are younger kids I know that are starting to ask me questions about college and their aspirations and goals. All I can really do is just shake my head at that thought. Perhaps it's my subconscious reaction to not getting into the schools of my dream, or it might be just a cynical view of life. We hold these institutions on pedestals and pursue their acceptances. It just feels rather silly to me. Kids trying to get a strategic upper hand into getting in, and others who get too emotionally attached to the whole progress. <- That, by the way, is a not a complete sentence; it's a fragment.</p>
<p>It might be my devil's advocate side kicking in again, but I feel that everything is just imposed by society onto us. AP is just a brand, titles are just words, honors are meaningless, degrees are just paper. Education should be a liberation from ignorance, but we all seem to be ignorant. It's just the blind leading the blind. Why do kids need to go to college? Why do kids need a degree? It just seems fruitless. But the answer comes down to: society demand it.</p>
<p>Looking back at what I learned in high school... I know nothing. We are all filled with this delusion that we learn so much in school, but that's just feeding the lie. It's just all smoke and mirrors. I felt like I learned so much in school, in the end, it totaled to be nothing. It just is all a regurgitation of information. This post itself is just a different permutation of information already expressed before; there is nothing new in this post. It's just a collection of ideas that has been neatly packed, just like what I learned in high school. We just know names and words of things and we know a bunch of rules that somehow relate; so, do we really know anything at all? </p>
<p>This concludes my pseudo intellectual post about my view on life. Perhaps, it's just another existential crisis moment.</p>