<p>In one of my essays I forgot a word. Is this a horrible mistake or should I relax and stop worrying about my application?</p>
<p>wanna copy and paste the sentence where you forgot the word? it could help me decide if its a terrible mistake or not hahahaha</p>
<p>but even if it is, i suggest you stop worrying</p>
<p>Instead of “…more than a…” I wrote “more a”…</p>
<p>you won’t be admitted or rejected based on one word. i promise you.</p>
<p>More than half the UCs don’t take the PS into consideration for admission anyway, so I think you’re fine. And for the one’s that do, I doubt one word (or lack thereof) is going to “make or break” your essay.</p>
<p>You’re fine</p>
<p>yeah thats not even bad. im sure they speed read it anyways which means that their brains will automatically fill the gap. <====read that somewhere, not sure if its true hahahahahaha</p>