I got a 3.33 gpa my freshman year of high school?

At this rate what do i need to do to get into ucla/ucb/ucsb etc if that’s even possible? =/ do i have 0 chance of getting into these schools?

No worries. The UC’s only count your sophomore and junior grades. You should take honors or AP classes for best chances. You can get a list of honors eligible classes here (if you attend a California public HS).


You might find it interesting to look at the freshman class profiles for each UC school on the UC admissions website:

You might want to consider what you are going to do to earn better grades next year. Were you taking the right mix of classes for you? Did you turn in all of your homework? Did you prepare sufficiently for each quiz or test? What can you do to improve your performance next year?

Thanks everyone. i guess i’m just a bad test taker but tutoring should help =)

Sometimes learning ‘soft skills’ makes a huge difference. My son attended early college and they reinforced and taught techniques in note taking, studying for multiple classes, time management, tutoring and study groups etc. etc. His peers (HS aged) were the top performing group in the entire university.

If it makes you feel better, I got a 3.33 my freshman year. Now I’m a senior, with a 4.1 GPA. Freshman year is tough for a lot of kids, which is why UCs don’t even count it. Just try to keep an upward trend and take challenging classes! :slight_smile: