I Got Denied Letter

Hi everyone
I applied as a transfer student for the Spring semester and I got denied from Purdue University due to the space limit in Aerospace Engineer program. I was extremely sad when I put into a lot of work preparing for transfer process. The worst part of all when I called in and asked for help, people told me: “Would you mind email your questions, I’m busy preparing for the new students coming this Spring semester.” Yet, I still sent in Application Change Form in hope of getting reconsideration for Fall Semester 2017, is this a good idea? All insights are welcome and appreciate. I’m desperate

If you are transferring from a community college, go meet with the transfer advisor.

  1. Hopefully, the transfer advisor can tell you whether you are really "in the running" for the fall semester or if you just don't have the necessary credits and GPA to be competitive. The school you are applying to will rarely tell you why you were rejected, but the transfer advisor will have seen many applications as part of their job and may have some insight as to why you might have been rejected.
  2. They can also suggest some additional schools to apply to. You should apply to more than one school for the fall to make sure that you get in somewhere.

Thank you for your feedback. I will give myself one last chance until the fall semester to reapply Purdue. Until then if I am not admitted , I will be happy continuing my ME degree at USI

When we attended the future engineering student presentation, they made a point of telling us that they do not accept transfers (internal or external) into the engineering program. Also, you cannot apply as a freshman if you have taken college classes after high school. If you want to go to Purdue and study engineering, you may have to consider the masters program.

I believe if they don’t accept any transfer then they have to make an announcement about this.