are you a sibling of mine from a different womb and sperm?</p>
Um if you can’t see the obvious and meaningful connexion (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) Hahvahd does not want youuuuuu</p>
brotha from anotha motha
sista from anotha mista</p>
<p>I guess I must be neonseri. I guess I must be.</p>
good answer, i once made that comment to my bestfriend, then she replied:</p>
<p>i got F_CKED on the egg and sperm i got</p>
<p>Really people. I do not see how the movie “Mean Girls” has to do with anything. If someone can clarify for me, I will be very grateful. Thanks.</p>
<p>Regina George was eventually recruited by Dartmouth after the bus accident. Unfortunately, she did not get into Harvard. Gretchen got into Yale and Karen got into Princeton. Cady was the only one from the original Plastics to get into Harvard. ALL THESE GIRLS HAD THE POTENTIAL TO GO TO HARVARD BUT ONLY ONE OF THEM GO IN!</p>
<p>op- What andromeda is trying to say is this: if your extracurriculars did not include being “queen bee” or a member of her group (ie, plastics) in high school, harvard does NOT want you. might as well withdraw your app now and save yourself the anticipation</p>
<p>oh you guys! </p>
<p>such teases. :D</p>
<p>poor hopefulfor2014…</p>
<p>perhaps, we shall start a new thread dedicated to mean girls</p>
<p>Totally. And we’ll do analysis on the influence of Mean Girls on chances to Harvard. </p>
<p>I am totally picturing the new thread title.</p>
<p>“I like totally just got invited to Cady Heron’s party, Am I in for Harvard?”</p>
<p>Ps. How are y’all killing the time? I’m listening to Mumford and Sons, and reading a complicated article titled “Spatial inequality in the Australian youth labour market: the role of neighbourhood composition” (good stuff).</p>
<p>I would totally do a college thesis on the effects of mean girls in college success…</p>
<p>Like, I can run a statistical test finding a correlation between the number of times a person has seen mean girls, and the person’s GPA and scores on standardized test…</p>
<p>Can we name it this? </p>
<p>“Fetch Will Never Happen, But Can I Get Into Harvard?”</p>
<p>I’m doing spring break homework (I know lame).</p>
<p>BTW, I’ve only watched MG 2 or 3 times, but it had great impact in both my academics and extracurricular activities.</p>
speaking of mean girls, you will soon transform from a junior member to a member here on CC once you reach the magic number of 300</p>
<p>I have been homeschooled since elementary school. I really do not know much about pop culture and all that social stuff. What is so funny?</p>
<p>Cady was homeschooled too! Are you sure you are not Cady Heron?</p>
oh my, hopefulfor2014 is totally like cady herron</p>
<p>AHAHAHA op is clueless just like cady
“shut up”
“I didn’t say anything”</p>
<p>“I love her, she’s like a martian”</p>
<p>“And on the third day, god created the remington bolt action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals”</p>
<p>“her hair’s so big…because its full of SECRETS!”</p>