<p>I got a likely letter from Dartmouth a month ago. Does that mean I will get into Harvard? What happens if I don't get into Harvard?</p>
<p>college admission is unpredictable. acceptance to an ivy DOES NOT guarantee admissions to another ivy. simply, there are too many factors involving admissions that are out of our hands.</p>
<p>take a look at past result threads, and you will see that people sometimes get rejected from “lower” ivies and still get into Harvard, others that get into a “lower” ivy and rejected from Harvard, and every other odd, seemingly random combination.</p>
- it doesn’t mean that you will get into Harvard, since each school looks at the application through a different lense.
- if you don’t get into harvard, you get to go to dartmouth. oh wow…i feel SO bad for you :P</p>
<p>AHAHAHAHAHA these people dont deserve to go to harvard
do you think we have ESP(N)??</p>
<p>I think you may implode if you don’t get into Harvard. Those are the rumors, at least.</p>
<p>Lulz lulz. In short, no. A guy I know with an LL from Dartmouth just got waitlisted by Duke. One top acceptances does not guarantee another.</p>
<p>I’ve been accepted to every school to which I applied so far, and all of them were top schools. That hardly makes me think that I’ll be accepted at the two for which I am still waiting.</p>
<p>Nice vague reference Stupefy, that I (embarrassingly) get :P</p>
<p>^^^^I got it also. It was nicely done.</p>
<p>gosh, “mean girls!”</p>
<p>this is my favorite quote though:</p>
<p>Yay for commonsense. (Or lack thereof).</p>
<p>Congrats. :)</p>
<p>No. Why would you think that there is a correlation (or worse yet, a causation?)</p>
<p>Each college is independent, and admission results to one are independent to results of another. </p>
<p>Oh come on!</p>
<p>What do you mean what happens?</p>
<li>Worst case senario, you go to Dartmouth - boo hoo. How sad. </li>
<li>The obvious corollary to that is that you don’t go to Harvard.</li>
<p>@neonseri: Rofl!!! Omg!!!</p>
<p>What happens if you don’t get in harvard?</p>
<p>I have learned from CC that it means you fail at life.</p>
<p>thank you, thank you :D</p>
<p>and neonseri, that is NOT the best quote from mean girls…take for example:
BOO you whore
you smell like a baby prostitute
its not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!..yeah I can’t do this
oh hell no I did not leave the south side for this!
do you even go this school? no I just have a lot of feelings</p>
<p>also I did not get to point out that the stupidest part of OP’s post is this question:
…I can’t even answer this without getting upset.</p>
<p>^ One time [Regina George] punched me in the face…it was awesome.</p>
<p>A causation… lol. I am embarresed to admit I saw this movie. It is nice the way the 3 of them domino after being hit by the bus at the end though.</p>
<p>oh gosh,
i like the “its not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!” though</p>
WHY would that cause you embarrassment??
seriously THE best chick flick ever! nearly everyone I know (my age) has seen it at least once. i am proud to say ive seen it over 10 times :D</p>
ive seen it over and over again last summer. haha</p>
<p>i used to play some drinking games with my friends while watching that movie…
like, when someone says the word “fetch,” we would take a shot of alcohol…</p>
<p>good times…</p>
<p>Why do you guys keep talking about that movie? What does “Mean Girls” have to do with my question? Thanks.</p>
<p>Mean Girls is always relevant no matter the question at hand!</p>