I Got In! Am I in for Harvard?

<p>A month ago I got a likely letter from Dartmouth? Does that mean I will get into Harvard? What happens if I don't get into Harvard?</p>

<p>You cease to exist?</p>

<p>That is a very silly assumption on your part.</p>

<p>The likely letter from Dartmouth pretty much implies guaranteed acceptance into Harvard. If you don’t get into Harvard simply fax the admissions office a copy of the letter and they’ll change your status to accepted.</p>

<p>Go to the head of Harvard and shove that letter into his mouth and then you become head of the school. No joke. Try it.</p>

<p>Really, if you were serious with that first post you shouldn’t attend an ivy…</p>

<p>Did you guys hear the news? Harvard actually changed its name to Dartmouth this past summer and moved the whole campus to New Hampshire.</p>

<p>Harvard kids are too jokes</p>

<p>I’m enjoyin this! HAHA!</p>

<p>giant lols</p>