I got waitlisted.

<p>you guys should really listen to what JMIONE1, he really knows what he is talking about, im sorry that you had to get waitlisted at your number one school, i know some kids at my school who got into vatech as their backup and have no interest in going, so hopefully enough of those people leave so you can get in, but you should also know, that sometimes colleges put you on a waitlist not to accept you later, but to make you feel good, they do this as a way of showing that they really liked you, but not enough to get in, getting in off the waitlist is impossible, you need to really show you want to go, for example the letter that JMIONE1 mentioned, most of the waitlist spots usually go to legacy applicants, urm's, and familys that donate or have a sibling at the school already, </p>

<p>bottomline listen to JMIONE1 and what he is suggesting, and realize that your chance of getting in off of the waitlist is slim and that you shouldn't count on it, move on, you'll find other colleges that accepted you and you really liked</p>

<p>Hahaha Thank You psquared, for your interest in me, LOL</p>

<p>in my 2004 princeton review, best 351 colleges, it says VT waitlisted 500 kids, and admitted 0% of the waitlist</p>

<p>then why even put people on teh waitlist
adding an extra 500 kids at that school wont hurt them they got the room</p>

<p>as i said schools like to put kids on the waitlist as a way of saying that we liked you, but we just didn't have enough space to accept you and be part of our yield, you should be happy that you got waitlisted b/c tech felt that you at least deserved to be in the waitlist pool, not rejected, its tough</p>

<p>I know of zero people off the waitlist here in Va. Go to a college and get over a 3.4 and apply as a transfer.</p>

<p>FYI Cloe, your posts were rude and uncalled for. How many mistakes have you made and how many have you admitted too? Oh thats right your life is still in semesters with summers off and a month off at the holidays. Glad you cannot admit you were wrong and rude. I'll take mine in plastic for the dairy products and paper for the rest.</p>

<p>bbpilot, sorry I did not mean to be rude, I just wanted my question answered.</p>

<p>bbpilot1, you're a parent and choeh912 is a high school senior. You would think that you might have just a bit more maturity, but apparently you all are on the same level. I guess it makes you feel like a big person to put other people down but to the outside observer it only makes you look petty.</p>

<p>the college person at my school said that its around 500 people that accept a spot on the list and only 75 total get in give or take</p>

<p>Hey Wahoo2007, I have a bit more maturity and don't send stuff like this...</p>

<p>bbpilot, do you have a messed up brain or does someone need to hit you upside the head?</p>

<p>So I think I can call a rude person a rude person anyday of the week...
Someone needs to tell children when their conduct is unacceptable...
FYI once it was reread, Choeh understood the offensive remark, and I accept it.</p>

<p>My advice to you as an adult is to mind your own business. If a post is not for you, ignore it. I don't need any cheap seat comments. I prefer you say "thank you" for correcting the rude remark, or, just but out.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from the Va Tech waitlist yet? My son's girlfriend got called from the Penn State Waitlist (interesting in that she sent the deposit to Tech which will therefore open a spot for Tech I guess theoretically if she takes PSU instead). To answer the wait list question ... you just say yes leave me on the waitlist and you make plans for another college ... if you get called from the waitlist then you lose your deposit for the other college since most likely it is after May 1 deadline and that is the worst of it but insignificant in the whole scheme of things if you really want that school.</p>

<p>According to today's Washington Post, Tech is not going to the wait list this year. They are 200 students over in terms of accepted students sending in deposits.</p>

<p>oh that's interesting---will look for that article...we got the letter from va tech stating that they are not going to take any from the wait list---i had heard from a high school counselor that many other schools are offering from their wait list this year ---exception is va tech i guess</p>

<p>I'm surprised they won't be taking any from the wait list--disappointed, too. My daughter decided at the last minute to go to Ohio State instead of VT. I was hoping she might change her mind and because of everything that happened at VT they would let her in. I'm happy for them, though, that students were not deterred by the tragedy from enrolling at VT.</p>

<p>Choe, so how are things going? Hope you get in after all.</p>

<p>Wahoo2007, my son was on the 2nd floor of West AJ. I have not been able to log on given the deaths of his hall mates and sadness in our family.</p>

<p>Just to let you know, VT police saved many lives that day by blasting though the locks. And many were lost due to a distrubed person.</p>

<p>God bless you all in your college search, I am just happy to have my boy alive and balancing his experiance that day to the dealings of real life.</p>

<p>As my childrens shirts say that they have given me over the years</p>

<p>"Virginia Tech for Life"</p>

<p>I am sorry if I offended anyone in the past. Please let me know if you need any honest advice. This has been a very difficult time.</p>

<p>I'll check Thursday for any Q's.</p>