I got waitlisted.

<p>I just checked my mailbox and I got waitlisted. What should I do? VT is my first choice. Should I send a letter letting them know? should I call them? Please help me out. I'm scared. I want to go there. What are my possibilites of getting accepted if I'm waitlisted? please help.
thanks in advance</p>

<p>im waitlisted too</p>

<p>i just got the letter in the mail.. kinda confusing cuz it says let them know by may1 to be on the waitlist and they will tell me by june 1 if i get in but im confused because like say i take a spot on the waitlist can i not accept a spot at a different college? if thats the case there is no point in taking a spot because if i dont get in im screwed and no college</p>

<p>Accept the other school if accecpted and pay the fee, then, if Tech takes you off the waitlist you can pay tech and get your money back from the first school... Hows that for making it clear ....</p>

<p>i thought once you say you are going to say jmu and u send them the letter and etc that its like binding.. is it not like that?</p>

<p>No, you paid the deposit and have time to change you mind I believe, it is not like Binding ED's...</p>

<p>I don't think you can get your money back after you pay your deposit...can you? I think it's sort of like, you have to take that risk.</p>

<p>Yea you can before a certain deadline, but after the deadline you dont get your deposit.</p>

<p>the pay period with a refund that long because all colleges know they compete with one another.... If one adpoted a screw you policy, how long do you think they would remain a player</p>

<p>so: if i get waitlisted from one college now, and i accepted vtechs offer, send the 400 bux, and then i find out that i got in after june, i will get the refund?</p>

<p>I am not sure If you get your deposit money back from VT. I know you don't from PSU, but if it is your first choice it would be worth it to send the deposit either way. It isn't binding.</p>

<p>As a parent that has spent hundreds on apps, SAT/II's, prep material, etc, possible losing the deposit pales in comparison. My neigbors kid got off the Va Tech waitlist last year in plenty of time to get the money back.... just one example...</p>

<p>jeezz, I hate you guys. That was not my question, it's weird how you people get sidetracked by a dumb question. Regarding that question, colleges make you pay the deposit and you can not get your money back if you want to go to another college. Someone answer my question jeez</p>

<p>I though I answered if fairly well before. Lets try again, I'll pull out the letter... VT says at the bottom of the acceptance letter RD freshman who offer and pay deposit by May 1st can get a full refund if their written request is postmarked by May 1 if they decide to not enroll at VT... No refunds after May 1st.</p>

<p>This is the same at many other U's. As to waitlist, accept it and call and find out if they do rolling waitlist admits or not... Some colleges do not let you get it back after you have paid, however, most VA colleges allow some time...</p>

<p>bbpilot, do you have a messed up brain or does someone need to hit you upside the head? this is my post- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p>

<p>I just checked my mailbox and I got waitlisted. What should I do? VT is my first choice. Should I send a letter letting them know? should I call them? Please help me out. I'm scared. I want to go there. What are my possibilites of getting accepted if I'm waitlisted? please help.
thanks in advance</p>

<p>choeh912 i think you have "a messed up brain" for getting waitlisted at Virginia Tech LOL.</p>

<p>I think EVERYONE knows you should write a letter conveying your interest in VT, telling them that you want to stay active on the waitlist, and that you will definitely go there if admitted.</p>

<p>About chance for getting admitted after being waitlisted, I think they are slim like at most colleges, especially if your Architecture or Engineering</p>

<p>choeh912- There's no need to be rude and malicious, especially to bbpilot who just said he/she is a parent. </p>

<p>Waitlisting is similar, but not the same as being deferred, so sending a letter may definitely be a good thing, to let them know how interested you are. Beinge deferred from my top choice college, I sent in a personal letter, more recs, and called my admissions counselor. I think the possibilities of getting accepted off the waitlist at VT are greater than somewhere like Harvard or Yale, but it's always a tough process to predict. There's no telling what the pool is like, and how many accepted students will attend. Definitely possible, as bbpilot said, her neighbor got off last year.</p>

<p>if u get accepted off the waitlist is it binding?</p>

<p>Sorry cloe for the confusion, I believe I was answering tron123's post.
Tron, if you get a letter accepting you off the waitlist it is not binding until you send them the $ :)</p>

<p>if you send in your $400 to accept admission to VT you have until may 1st to get it back</p>