<p>Fall 2004:</p>
<p>Note: Overall, this semester was difficult due to adjustment issues. I didn't have a huge workload by any means.</p>
<p>Engineering 92 (Perspectives in Engineering): 1 unit seminar. Essentially worthless.
Linguistics 11 (Writing Systems): Tiny little Linguistics class. The subject matter was interesting and the grading was pretty lenient, but YMMV. I'm not sure why I took it.
Math 53 (Multivariable Calculus): I accidentally missed every lecture and almost every discussion section (including most of the quizzes). I also failed the final. So this was a challenging class for me, and the C+ on my transcript is a nice reminder. But note that this didn't prevent me from getting into graduate school.
Physics 7A (Physics: Mechanics): I had a reasonably tough time with this class, but it wasn't awful. The material wasn't too important for future classes.</p>
<p>Spring 2005:</p>
<p>Note: I was still having adjustment issues this semester.</p>
<p>CS 61A (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs): The material was very interesting and workload wasn't bad. People who have a tough time with this class often have major issues with CS classes down the road. Note: take this class with Harvey.
Math 54 (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations): This class confused me. I didn't end up learning anything, but I wish I had, because my work in machine learning uses a ton of linear algebra that I never learned! Keep that in mind. This stuff is actually extremely useful, whereas I've rarely needed to remember material from Math 53 (thankfully).
Physics 7B (Physics: E&M and Thermodynamics): Once again, this was reasonably tough, but it wasn't awful. Some of the material was helpful for EE 40, but not very.</p>
<p>Fall 2005:</p>
<p>EE 40 (Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits): The workload wasn't too bad (weekly problem sets), but I remember being stressed at the time. I didn't learn a thing in this class, and I didn't enjoy it at all. This was a sign that EE might not be for me.
CS 61B (Data Structure): The workload was larger than 61A, and the material was necessary but not very exciting IMO.
IB 35AC (Human Biological Variation): I got AC credit and learned about evolution, which I find fascinating. Kick ass! Lots of memorization.
Psych 2 (Principles of Psychology): This material has come up very often in other Psych classes. I noticed that the grading in Psych 2 was much harder than the grading in upper division Psychology classes.</p>
<p>Spring 2006:</p>
<p>EE 20N (Systems and Signals): The workload really wasn't too bad (weekly problem sets), although the instructor (Ayazifar) scared me into thinking it would be. I didn't particularly enjoy it, though.
CS 61C (Machine Structures): I thought this class was fascinating in terms of really understanding how computers work, and taking students on a tour very very low-level to very high-level.
Math 98 (Rubik's Cube DeCal): Useless, but a semi-fun waste of one hour a week.
Psych 160 (Social Psychology): This class is very interesting and I found it very easy. I also found it difficult to learn a lot, because I didn't need to absorb anything to do well.</p>
<p>Fall 2006:</p>
<p>CS 70 (Discrete Math for Computer Science): I found this class extremely difficult, although the workload wasn't bad at all. Note: Papadimitriou and Vazirani are excellent.
EECS 150 (Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems): This was, by far, the most time-intensive course of my college career. I spent 260 hours on the project, hours on weekly problem sets, approximately 30 hours on labs, etc. In the last 6 days of the course, I was in the lab for 90 hours, including a 26 hour stretch. No, this class is not required. Note: Pister is hard!
CS 186 (Introduction to Databases): This class looks good on a resume, but the material worth learning (i.e. SQL queries) comprise only a few weeks of the course. The rest was useless to me (how to make a database).
Psych 150 (Personality Psychology): See Psych 160. Same experience.</p>
<p>Spring 2007:</p>
<p>CS 160 (User Interfaces): I am very interested in design, so I thought learning about GUI's would be fun! But in my opinion, this class was extremely boring. I was going to focus my M.S. in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), but I strayed away from that after taking this class...
CS 170 (Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems): I thought I'd hate this class, but it turned out to be <em>very</em> interesting and also <em>very</em> useful! Knowledge about efficiency and different types of algorithms is <em>crucial</em> to developing any kind of software, and has come up repeatedly since I took this class. I strongly advice taking this class if you are interested in software development.
Engineering 190 (Technical Communication): I learned some cool grammatical rules of thumb and such, but otherwise this class was essentially useless. Unfortunately, it's required.
IEOR 190A (Engineering Entrepreneurship): Take this class if you're interested in entrepreneurship. It's essential. The main take-away: if you develop a product, ensure that you are solving a customer pain. The structure of this class is unique and highly participation-based, which makes sense but the grading can get annoying (although it's not difficult, per se). The final project is time consuming.</p>
<p>Fall 2007:</p>
<p>CS 162 (Operating Systems): This wasn't as much work as EECS 150, but it was getting there. I probably did spend at least 150 hours on the project. It was a very interesting overview of many different topics, such as networking, security, abstraction, etc. And it looks great on a resume! Although I do believe this class has changed to be an advanced OS class, so take this advice with a grain of salt. Another class should/does take it's place...I think.
CS 188 (Artificial Intelligence): This class is very interesting, although it wasn't as amazingly awesome as I had hoped. I am focusing on AI for my M.S., so it's not surprising that I was interested in the material. Klein is a good professor: he definitely cares a lot, is better than most, and supposedly teaches you way more than other professors would. He requires (or at least hopes) that students who take his graduate course have taken <em>his</em> version of CS 188. Note: as I mentioned, take this with Klein! That's important.
History of Art R1B (Visual Experience): I hate reading. I didn't have to read a lot in this class, and I got my R1B credit. It was also interesting! Score.</p>
<p>Spring 2008:</p>
<p>EE 126 (Probability and Random Processes): The material is very hard, and I was behind for the majority of the semester due to senioritis. Bad idea. Don't do that. It wasn't as killer as I'd been warned of, though...but I should have probably spent 15 hours on each problem set instead of the ~6 hours that I did spend. Whoops.
CS 294-34 (Practical Machine Learning): This class was a very interesting overview of machine learning topics, and as a 2-unit course it was not very time-intensive.
Psych 164 (Social Cognition): I think I went to lecture twice, and I did well. That's because 75% of the class got A's, and 60% got 100% on the final. He curved the average of the final from 85 to 95. The grade inflation of this class was absolutely astonishing...</p>
<p>I'm not sure how to answer that. Hopefully my responses to others than give you a sense of my experience.</p>