<p>Asians lack mainstream role models, I agree, but they are also more likely to have more in-family role models than others. I can't find the report online, but in 2002, asian immigrants as a whole were the second-highest phd holders behind african immigrants. Once again, it's my argument that immigrants in general are a self-selecting group. Lazy bums will not get green cards if they live an ocean away, only highly motivated people will and this passes on to their children. </p>
<p>The special evaluation of urms you're suggesting sounds a bit, well undemocrataic I'm sorry. It's impossible to predict the person who will beat the odds and succeed and the ones who will fail. I certainly know people with superior scores to mine that I'm sure you would assume would succeed, who are failing. Because they are lazy and unmotivated, just as some you label urms to be. I, however, am not and am succeeding with my 'subpar' test scores, heavens, an engineer with a low math. I'm sure you would have sent me trucking to some nice top 50 with that system norcalguy;)</p>
<p>And anti-AA Urms shouldn't have to be so. These urms are anti-aa because they're sick of being labeled as 'unworthy' wherever they go and want to prove themselves. The problem is not with AA, it's with the people who made this stereotype in the first place! As Pusha said, let me grab some hankies for you to staunch your tears! Looking for someone to blame for their rejections, people happily settled upon urms, and specifically, blacks, to blame for their rejections. Ahh, racism all over again, how wonderful! And I'm sure the solution is to remove the only vanguard protecting these poor innocents. </p>
<p>Most anti-AAers are hypocritical at best. If you must hate that darned urm who took your place, please spread the wealth. Black people are not alone, they are surrounded by latino/native american/pacific islanders, and oh yea WOMEN. I've said this again and again in such threads, no one has the guts to go gunning for women taking their spots, and last time I checked the 46% women at MIT is a much bigger number than the 8% ethnic minority.</p>
<p>Once early education is fixed, AA will not be necessary. That has not happened, therefore AA stays. It is not 'Harvard or bust' for non-urms either norcalguy</p>