I hate people in high school...why do people have to be so mean and immature...

<p>Like in one of these classes (a regular class..not gonna say which one)...its pretty hard class btw.</p>

<p>anyway, we had this test, and after the test, it turned out I got the highest grade out of 3 periods...yea i was shocked</p>

<p>the other 2 periods were like (from what people told me).."omg who got the highest grade, i bet it was this guy (who is known as like extremely social/intelligent guy)" the teacher was like "no it was (insert my name)" and both periods are like ***ing.</p>

<p>anyway, i found out about this last week and have been mulling over it....that a lot of people when they found out kept talking **** about me, saying things like "omg that loser and idiot who never talks was able to score that high..what an idiot, he is such a loner" when i found out people said this, it hurt me because i never used to be a loner and i always used to talk..until i went deaf..but those *******s don't know that...</p>

<p>there is school tomorrow..and i don't feel like going...i feel like slitting my wrists knowing that practically the whole school talks crap about me...i hate my life..i hate how s.hit happened to me (going deaf in soph year, im a junior atm)..i hate this life.</p>

<p>should i go to school tomorrow and tough it out? i've been toughing it out for the past year..i don't think i can handle anymore...</p>

<p>No offense, but how did you find out if you’re deaf? Anyways, it’s just one tests; there will be other tests, so just don’t set the curve on that test or anything. Or…you could ignore them, which could be relatively easy because you wouldn’t hear the crap say about you, no offense that is. Sometimes, it’s just good to not hear stuff people can say but don’t let it get to you, you’ll be fine if you ignore it.</p>

<p>You’ll be fine. Don’t let people get to you. High school is an individualized hell for most of us, so you’re not alone.</p>

i think you should go to school…
you shouldn’t care what people say…
high school is not worth slitting wrists for…actually nothing is

<p>well i have an implant…and anyway, my friend told me…</p>

<p>idk well i never thought i would be that “loser” that is portrayed in high school movies where everyone looks at him like he is a freak of nature and talks crap</p>

<p>people look at me funny in the halls and now i know they talk crap about me</p>

<p>God…i’m still hung over on this…idk what to do…my mom says to go to school but honestly im not going to learn or do anything tomorrow anyway since i’ll be upset about this</p>

<p>and my so called “friends” were the ones who initiated this s.hit talking…and they are the ones that usually get F’s in every single class…ass****s</p>

<p>what do you care what other people think? and say? go to school and to hell with other people. They have a problem with you, let them have that problem.</p>

<p>Please, there are these groups of girls yelling out racial slurs about Asians in my math class meant to attack me. Doesn’t matter because they’re all failing and I have an A. They’re just threatened by you and trying to bring you down but doesn’t matter because you’re obviously the better person.</p>

<p>well wouldn’t you find it disheartening to know that a lot of people in your high school talk crap about you?</p>

<p>and at pinkstarcloud…yea i guess, but i mean i never used to be a loner and the silent type…i was someewhat popular i guess…now everything has gone to crap</p>

<p>People always make a big deal when other’s get higher grades on a consistent basis and they do not, it’s really nothing more than jealousy.</p>

<p>There’s always going to be people that talk bad about you and others, you can’t really prevent it. Celebrities and all the famous people have to deal with that stuff a lot. Just don’t let it get to you or bring you down in anyway, just like Pinkstarcloud said, they’re just threatened by you etc. You’re the one who’ll have the last laugh when you get into a better college, have a great job, and are well financially/financially stable when you see them all again at your high school reunion. Cheer up.</p>

<p>Life doesn’t have to be bad just because you went deaf. My mother and aunt when deaf when they were in their late 20s and early 30s as young, fun, successful people. And their lives only got better from that age.
With an implant, the best thing you can do is keep talking to people and keep practicing. You’ll get used to watching people’s lips as they talk and deciphering what they say from that. And your hearing may even improve. My aunt, who went completely deaf (my mother always kept some hearing) became able to use the phone after a few years with the implant, after years of only using the TTY. Things will get better.</p>

<p>(But I do think it’s okay to take one day off to feel sorry for yourself. Let it in for a while, but remember to push it all back away the next day and keep trying.)</p>

<p>Thanks guys, i guess i feel a little better</p>

<p>and lol, i probably wont go to the high school reunion…screw that =P</p>

<p>but i mean, there are 2000 kids in my hs, i’m the only one with a disability…wouldn’t you feel (if it happened to you) scared about what to do in life?</p>

<p>and im not talking about like learning disabilities…i mean like actual physical defects, like deafness, blind, crippled, etc…in that category, im the only one</p>

<p>I know the feeling. I hate math, but nonetheless, I take Pre-Calc seriously. Unfortunately, I’m the only one. </p>

<p>I know the kids who don’t care and fool around have pretty much talked about me behind my back forever, but I’ve never, before this year, had anyone (especially someone from a grade higher than me) throw things at me while in the middle of class. Paper, pencils…there’s been a couple of things. </p>

<p>And it makes me wonder how these people are going to act out in the real world. These people are seniors…I keep wondering what’s wrong with them. Sure, they’re eager to get out of high school, but that’s not a reason to act so incompetent. They never understand what we’re learning in the class, and I think it’s pretty obvious why.</p>

<p>I hate school, but love learning…and no one seems to understand the difference between school and learning, which is why I get so much crap about actually caring how well I do. I, unlike the majority of the people in my school, actually care about what I learn, not just “oh good I passed that stupid class”…</p>

<p>It’s always been like this for me though. Freshman year, a group of the prep-**<strong><em>es (I’m so nice, right?) were standing behind in the lunch line and just talking *</em></strong> about me. Just random, untrue **** that they pulled out of nowhere. I know they knew I could hear them, because they were like 2 feet behind me. Did I do anything though? No.</p>


<p>Because I learned something a long time ago. Not a single one of them are worth the consequences. </p>

<p>If they’re immature enough to spread rumors and talk crap about you because you did better than them, then they’re not worth your time. </p>

<p>Some day they’ll learn firsthand that being that way is detrimental to them and them alone. And if not, then they’ll live their lives in ignorance of how others truly perceive them. And that’s the saddest way a person can ever live.</p>

<p>Just know that in not retaliating with the same or worse methods, that you are automatically on a higher pedestal than these people. </p>

<p>They exist everywhere in the world, yes, but I’m pretty sure they’re congregated nowhere denser than in high school. And after you get that over with, take a breather, because they should be pretty scarce in your everyday life after that.</p>

<p>Just my two cents.</p>

<p>Thank you Rixs. that was beautiful, lol</p>

<p>I’m okay now. I realized that this happened like 2 weeks ago, and i met with my friends after (the ones who suposedly said it) and we talked and had a good timed, etc…so I guess I was just stressing out over nothing. </p>

<p>In my school, if people throw things at you, it is like automatic suspension if classified as harassment. They can’t do that. People who do that are themselves, the loser.</p>

<p>people like that will always exist. it sucks, and its frustrating, but there usually isnt anything you can do about them except ignring whatever negative comments that they make. </p>

<p>i don’t have any physical disabilities, unless you consider severe obesity a disability. (i mean, i am seriously a freaking WALRUS, lol) but i’ve had more than my share of crap talked about me behind my back and to my face. and i most definitely know how it is to have people get sore over things like test grades. but you can’t let it get to you, because at the end of the day, if your “friends” are people who started the shxt talk, and they cant handle you doing well in something, those aren’t people who you should be overly concerned about. </p>

<p>sooner or later, everyone has to grow up and learn how to deal with not always being the best or whatever. all i can say is, take this experience and remember it. i’ve had tons of shxt talked about me for things like that, and if anything, it just helps me remember not to make other people feel like that, because i know that it sucks.</p>

<p>Ah. Well, we lack many punishments that should be in place. Half the people I see everyday in the hallway should probably be suspended. xD </p>

<p>There’s a fair amount of injustice in my school system though. There was a girl who was verbally abused by her boyfriend, so she smacked him, then he pulled a chair out from underneath her and she actually started crying.</p>

<p>She got suspended for hitting him. He got nothing except a breakup. </p>

<p>Injustices exist everywhere. </p>

<p>Teasing, luckily, is usually one you can safely ignore and in doing so, grow as a person at the same time. :)</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a pencil or pen. Hit me the back of the neck. Had I been turning around and had it hit my face, however, it would’ve been a different story. Teasing is one thing, but actually risking harming me (hitting me in the eye and stuff?) is something I won’t tolerate. </p>

<p>Usually, teasing lines aren’t crossed. So usually, ignoring it is the best way to go. However, if it does cross that line from teasing to potential danger…don’t hesitate to get authority figures involved.</p>