<p>Like in one of these classes (a regular class..not gonna say which one)...its pretty hard class btw.</p>
<p>anyway, we had this test, and after the test, it turned out I got the highest grade out of 3 periods...yea i was shocked</p>
<p>the other 2 periods were like (from what people told me).."omg who got the highest grade, i bet it was this guy (who is known as like extremely social/intelligent guy)" the teacher was like "no it was (insert my name)" and both periods are like ***ing.</p>
<p>anyway, i found out about this last week and have been mulling over it....that a lot of people when they found out kept talking **** about me, saying things like "omg that loser and idiot who never talks was able to score that high..what an idiot, he is such a loner" when i found out people said this, it hurt me because i never used to be a loner and i always used to talk..until i went deaf..but those *******s don't know that...</p>
<p>there is school tomorrow..and i don't feel like going...i feel like slitting my wrists knowing that practically the whole school talks crap about me...i hate my life..i hate how s.hit happened to me (going deaf in soph year, im a junior atm)..i hate this life.</p>
<p>should i go to school tomorrow and tough it out? i've been toughing it out for the past year..i don't think i can handle anymore...</p>