I hate waiting.

<p>So my apps and everything are in at this point, and I just have to wait.</p>

<p>Not being the most patient person, and especially when the waiting involves little to no related activity, this is gonna kill me.</p>

<p>Just thought I'd vent. :)</p>

<p>I agree, waiting sucks.</p>

<p>I'm enjoying the anxiety. I'll never again experience the excitement of applying to grad school, so I'm just going to savor this brief period in my life. It'll be a bit sad when it's all over, I imagine.</p>

<p>Personally I'm happy not having to worry about another essay, or badgering a recommender... Plus I have a month left in the Army so that's relaxing...last airborne jump today!</p>

<p>I got my last application in on Tuesday morning, and I have to say I (weirdly) feel a little bit lost now. This whole process has been at the top of my mind for several months, what with GRE studying, taking the test, getting transcripts and references, updating my resume, working on essays, etc., etc., etc. Now that it's done I feel like I developed some sick Stockholm Syndrome-esque relationship with my personal statements or something.</p>

<p>I'm relieved to be done with it and glad that I no longer have to keep track of paper transcripts, references, who's sent me what and when everything needs to be in, yada yada yada. But I really would appreciate it if everywhere I applied just e-mailed me today and told me I'm in the program. :D</p>

<p>I completely agree. Waiting sucks. It is especially worse when the safety schools responded promptly and these big name schools are just taking their time. I gotta stop checking my E-mail every hour or so.</p>

<p>Always enjoy your down time!</p>

<p>I hate waiting too. But fortunately I just got into one of the programs I applied to. My initial reaction was that I was surprised and didn't believe that I got in, despite the fact I really want to be accepted. Now I still have one last application to send out. I am deciding if I should send it...</p>

I might not be up to date, but I was just wondering, have you applied to PhD programs and are waiting for a response? It seems about a year ago, I had just applied to master's programs and was waiting for a response, and if I remember correctly, you were kind of in that boat too. (In that case, you must be finishing you master's degree much more quickly than I am; I'm not due to finish mine until summer 2008).</p>

<p>Nope, master's. I was set to begin an MA program this past fall, but then my husband lost his job and I had to put it on hold another year. I can't go back to the program, because I'm kind of dependent right now on my husband's possible jobs (he has interviews in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Louisiana right now).</p>

<p>I just got a response from one of my top choices and it was a yes......so just five more to go! I actually completed two other applications and for the other three, I just have to send in transcripts and supplemental information.</p>

<p>so you are linguistics major? what's ur research focus?</p>

<p>I'm interested in TESOL to adult learners. I don't have a particular focus within that at this time, but that's my general area.</p>

<p>cool. so what schools have you applied to, if you don't mind listing them on the forum?</p>

<p>I've applied to Pitt, Penn State, Penn, UI-Chicago, Indiana, and Columbia Teacher's College. </p>

<p>What about yourself? What's your area?</p>

<p>my area is SLA and psycholing. i applied to penn state (cog. psy), northwestern, usc, uc davis, rochester (brain and cog sci), mit (brain and cog sci), ui-urbana champaign, u. of oregon, graduate center at cuny, mcgill, nyu. i am so broke =.= after spending so much on the applications...</p>

<p>pydbl, I am currently working at BCS Rochester. It is a great department! Good luck.

<p>I know, right! Applying to gradschool is expensive. I just hope that I get some more offers with financial aid to make it all worth it, you know? Do you have a top choice? I have a few that are slightly preferred over the others but for the most part, I really like all six places I applied to and could see myself happy at either place.</p>

<p>Amalee. Rochester is definitely one of my top choices because of Elissa Newport. </p>

<p>AppleLinguist: my top choices are rochester, mit, mcgill, uiuc, & usc. LOL...but rochester, mit, and mcgill must be very competitive...</p>