I have an AD regionals tomorrow and...

<p>Can anyone help me cram for the economics section? I have a vague understanding, but are there any good sources you know of?</p>

<p>Academic Decathalon?</p>

<p>wait, you guys have started already?</p>

<p>yea, we have. We have a regionals tomorrow. We’re in Massachusetts, I’m from the Boston area. And yea, I need some help in economics. I just finished reading the book for the literature section, Bless Me, Ultima, and it was a great book =]</p>

<p>^ We don’t compete until the 6th of Dec! </p>

<p>Well, actually we competed in the essay section already to cut back on time at competitions, but ya. We don’t have the real competition until December!</p>

<p>oh wow. How good is your team, and how is it set up like. I’m not exactly sure how all teams workm uniformely or w/e cause I’m new. Do you guys have starters and subs/alts? Also, do you focus more on some subjects or just pwn them all? Also, any good econ sites?</p>

<p>WE have so few people everyone goes. </p>

<p>We practice noramlly three times a week; an hour Tuesday, and hour Thursday and two hours on Saturday. (Although Saturday practices have been cancelled until Christmas break is over)</p>

<p>We haven’t really gotten to Econ, or the tests. We mainly have been focusing on the speech events, which I’m happy about, since they’re the only reason I’m on the team. </p>

<p>We also focus a lot on the book. </p>

<p>How about you guys?</p>

<p>We’re a little less organized. We don’t put too much emphasis on the book. We meet almost every Thursday, but usually just for updates. We meet randomly with teachers from the school that teach us stuff more in depth from the packet for their subject, though we only did Literature, Art, and Math. We don’t focus on the three subjective ones really unless we make it to states (which we occasionally do) because the regionals doesn’t have speech, interview, or essay. Some people read the book, and some people sparknote it (like me =])</p>

<p>Also, I should be going to sleep soon since I have to be at my school by 6:45 tomorrow morning D:</p>

<p>^ Oh, our coach is strict about reading the book. He wants us to read it several times before we compete.</p>

<p>We’re also required, this year, to go to a certain amounts of practices before the competition, or else we can’t compete.</p>

<p>Oh, I see. We’re a little laid back, but I have some clubs, like my Robotics club, that has stuff like that. You guys typically do well?</p>

<p>Last year we were one place away from going to state, and I don’t know much about previous to that, becuase we had a different coach then and I wasn’t a member.</p>

<p>Our team for the most part was built from scratch last year.</p>

<p>Oh I see. I just got back from my regionals, and we made it to states!! We did pretty good, my friends was shocked when he got an individual medal for math because we’re both new to the team and he’s a C starter (Varsity). Good luck this year!</p>

<p>I’m going to need it. I’m hoping to rock out the speech events though.
I love interview and impromptue.</p>

<p>Yea, I can’t wait to see how speech, interview, and essay go</p>

<p>^If you guys have the same topic we do, thy suck ths yer. I hte them with a passion.
We already did the essay for our cometition.</p>

<p>What are they?</p>

<p>DSomething about Lawrence in the book, and then biology and more biology. I still haven’t read the book, but we discussed Lawrence the day before, and I hate the biology questions since all my team does is rote memorization and I’d rather know what I’m answer instead of just the asnwer to something I don’t understand.</p>

<p>Geezaloo, regionals in my state are January 31st this year, and that’s early for us.</p>

<p>oh, lol. Really? January 31st? That’s pretty late for us and states is in March.</p>

<p>oh my gosh really? We don’t even do our essay until like January and regionals aren’t until Feb. 7th. However our weekly schedule consists of an hour everyday before school and an hour and a half after school on MWTH. I barely slid in to varsity division this year so I can’t wait to win like a billion medals. We did do a mock decathlon though where we killed the other schools though. How are your guy’s scores usually? I usually do in the 650-750 range</p>