I have my CalSo in a long time from now...

<p>Will my classes get filled up quick?</p>

<p>Math 53
Chem 4A
R&C Course
Freshman Seminar</p>

<p>I'm mostly concerned about Math and Chem. My CalSo day is on June 26th... do you think the classess will get filled by then?</p>

<p>I think the seminars will fill up before that because most of them are under 30 people. I'm not sure about the other classes</p>

<p>You can look at the online schedule of classes to see how full classes are but it doesn't seem like Math 53 and chem 4A are filling up that fast. But depending on the R&C course you want, it could fill up fast, especially English R1A.</p>

<p>I agree that seminars will tend to fill up quickly. They do restrict enrollment to only freshmen and sophomores for the seminars, so you may have a chance. (In case you didn't know, juniors and seniors get to register about 2-3 weeks before freshmen and sophomores.)</p>

<p>thank you guys!</p>