I Hope I Don't Get Into Brown

<p>can’t you undo your application or call them?</p>

<p>^ Maple explained his parents would murder him before letting him withdraw…</p>

<p>Doesn’t Brown have a waitlist? Then wouldn’t the same number of people get in anyway, whether you decided to go or not?</p>

<p>I think what Mapleleafs26 should understand is that even if the school admits her, it doesn’t mean she has to go. She is opt. to turn down Brown.</p>

<p>HopefulEagle86, I believe Mapleleafs26 is a male. </p>

<p>I also believe he has an excellent chance on getting into Brown. If you are admitted, you should really consider enrolling.</p>

<p>How many people actually risk staying on the waitlist though? Don’t you have to like not accept any acceptances you did get but still pay the enrollment fee or something?</p>

<p>I guess I could explain why I don’t want to go to Brown (not that I know why)</p>



<p>Several hundred at many schools. No idea about Brown.</p>







<p>I learned something today</p>

<p>I think I was one of about 400 people on the Caltech waitlist. But they were over-enrolled and didn’t accept any.</p>



<p>I believe it sounds a bit strange to me right now. It was derived from the fact that since Trumpetgrl began a thread on Fuzzleshnops and Mapleleafs as being the “cutest couple” made me think that Mapleleafs is actually a female. Because majority of us here know that Fuzzle is a guy. But whatever… thanks for telling me?</p>

<p>lol. hate to break it to you, but fuzzle “has bewbz”</p>

<p>^^ Fuzz couldn’t have been a guy, she posted her pic about a week ago and she is a girl.</p>

<p>Fuzzle person sounded like a guy in most of the HSL threads.</p>

<p>she must be a very masculine girl :b</p>



<p>I doubt anyone is a shemale here, unless there’s something that we know of.</p>

<p>^ Meh something about the fragment “fuzzle” in the username suggested that fuzz was a she.</p>

<p>Just withdraw your application- though 3 and 4 aren’t real reasons. If your parents will flip out if you try withdrawing your app, then tell them your reasons… If you have such great financial aid coming from UChicago, then wouldnt they want that to happen? AND if you like Chicago more? Just talk to them</p>

<p>I guess the reason I don’t want to be accepted is so that I don’t have to make a difficult decision - withdrawing my application would be making that decision prematurely, and what if I change my mind later? <em>~</em></p>

<p>So then this thread and the other thread is slightly pointless haha- you’re just kinda confused- which is totally okay. arent we all?</p>

<p>Did you qualify for a fee waiver for the Brown application?</p>