<p>^^ lol very true</p>
<p>no - I already paid however much it costs</p>
<p>^^ lol very true</p>
<p>no - I already paid however much it costs</p>
<p>haha! fuzzle is definitely a girl, as i just saw her picture on facebook : P</p>
<p>what guy would make their screen name ‘fuzzle’? <em>shudders</em></p>
<p>Maybe you should just talk to your family about it and try to help them understand how you feel. Your college choice should be about what’s best for you, not what you family wants. In this case what you want is better financially for your family as well, so I think you’d be crazy to pick Brown above the others if you like them better.</p>
<p>I suggest that you converse with your parents regarding your preferences.</p>
<p>lol I’m sure they’ll understand. I just don want to have to convince them</p>
<p>ha so get over your laziness and do it… we’re talking about the next 4 years of your life. (though i still think you would be absolutely FINE at Brown…)</p>
<p>this thread is ■■■■■■■■. how bout you grow some balls and not go ?</p>
<p>that statement was kind of ■■■■■■■■?</p>
<p>ugh why use the word “■■■■■■■■.” it doesn’t even make sense. stop.</p>
<p> random color for 21 seconds </p>
<p>☝ Its IQ is below 70</p>
<p>yeah, i don’t like the word ‘■■■■■■■■’. not to get all ‘sarah palin’-y, ugh.</p>
<p>Maple, you’ve been using that little symbol a lot. What is it?</p>
<p>It looks like a staircase, a pointer finger, or an ice skating shoe.</p>
<p>^I’m pretty positive it’s a pointer finger, so instead of ^ you can put that symbol.</p>
<p>Δ Oh, I see…</p>
<p>I don’t know about anyone else but that symbol looks like a square to me.</p>
<p>I thought it was a checkbox.</p>
<p>:point_up: that’s totally rad, but not as cool as this</p>
<p>Its an unicode symbol I copied and pasted from a wikipedia list of unicode symbols</p>
<p>◭◭ omg you don’t have enough unicode to see it For example, I can’t read what this symbol is specifically ؒ</p>