I just got 17 letters from colleges today

<p>Dang, I never got that much mail! I get maybe 5 a week! Everyone I know got the pill shaped one except for us actually interested in pharmacy. I wish they'd get the hint that I picked a college and have already been accepted.</p>

<p>The college that acceptec me actually didn't have me on their mailing list of current students, so good thing I know someone else going there or I would have never been able to sign up for an enrollment date!</p>

<p>Have any of you heard of Friends University? One time I got 3 identical letters from them in 2 days</p>

<p>12 yesterday. That's the most I've gotten in one day, but I've gotten...eh, ~40 or so so far. And I'm just a soph....</p>

<p>I got 14 today. I thought the CalTech one was cool because the envelope had math equations on it and I'm a math freak.</p>

<p>^LOL that one completely turned me off. i hate math -___________-</p>

<p>Did you notice that, from smaller colleges, there is always a return envelpoe, a regular sized paper, and a paper that is 2 inches narrower? And there is always a free book/ magazine offered?</p>

<p>The best one I remember is the one from Swarthmore. It just seemed so cool.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt has convinced me to apply. They have such cool majors, I'll probably end up wanting to quadruple-load if I actually manage to get in.</p>

<p>I'm planning on saving all of my letters until senior year when I'll weigh all of them and then burn/shred/recycle/all of the above them.</p>

<p>Hehe, I got well over 100 pounds of college mail. Nearly 150, in fact. Whoopee - then my mother made me throw most of it away :(</p>

<p>I hope you guys recycled...</p>

<p>I chucked most of mine as soon as I got it. I'm getting almost no college mail now. I sort of miss it; it was a nice ego boost. Now all the mail is for my sophomore sister. D: Oh, well. Now, if I could only get some mail from the schools I've applied to...</p>

<p>Igot one from caltech. Tht's the best school so far, but i've already gotten 5 letters from emory.</p>

<p>not only is my mailbox filled with mail from colleges, but my email too. I can't believe people are paid to send these to us.</p>

<p>Lol colleges love to spam your mailboxes and emails.</p>

<p>I got 23 in my mailbox today. The mailman couldn't stuff everything into our mailbox so he left it at the apartment manager's office and sent me a note to pick the letters up. </p>

<p>Some well known schools I got letters from are Harvard, Princeton, Caltech, Stanford, UCSD, Brown, Emory, Rice, NYU, Vanderbilt, and some others I can't remember off top of my head.</p>

<p>Inbox‎ (1041)</p>

<p>At least hotmail has a 2gb email storage.</p>

<p>i've been getting letters and emails from colleges since i was in 8th grade. i've gotten letters and other stuff from some well known schools including cornell, yale, dartmouth, upenn, nyu, and vanderbilt but it still gets annoying. but i've reclycled the ones i don't want.</p>

<p>I too keep receiving excessive college mail, but I don't mind since it's comforting to know that some schools (even if they're not my dream schools) would like to have me :)</p>

<p>My son is a college senior this year (1,500 miles away) and we've been getting graduate school mail at our house for the last year. They never forget you.</p>

<p>You might ask if your high school counselors would like some of your unwanted college mail, rather than just throwing it away.</p>

<p>^That's a good idea....
(although it might feel better to throw my file of letters into the recycling bin).</p>

<p>I don't miss getting mail at all. Now the only mail I get is nice little treats from UChicago. (:</p>

<p>That mail always irritated me. I got letters from Brown, Cornell, WUSTL, and even Harvard and Princeton. WUSTL sent so much mail that I finally decided to apply there. I had no chance of being accepted at any of these colleges, so why do they send this mail?</p>