I just got 20 wrong in Baron's SAT II Bio. Help.

<p>What do I do. I'll review it, but how do I fix this. This is just as bad as the previous test, and I studied my mistakes previously. </p>


<p>barrons is always harder than the actual so dont stress</p>

<p>Not this time. Felt real test was harder.</p>

<p>20 wrong is a 25/50 raw, or 610 because the regular math 2 curve is 800-10(44-rawscore). </p>

<p>I’d say you’re “in shape” for a 710 on the real thing; if you want the 800, work up to 680-720+ on Barrons. Easier said than done: I never really improved on Barrons; I got 640, 660, 640 on the practice tests and will likely get mid 700s on the real thing I took today cuz I suck at math. A better scale for Barrons’ tests is 800-10(34-rawscore) in my opinion lol</p>

<p>I’d say try a sparknotes Math 2 test to see how close you are to your goal: they are pretty accurate.</p>

<p>It’s over. BTW I had some missgrading. Still -20 raw. and ~ 740. I think I might have got that on the real deal. :frowning: BTW this is bio but thanks for your help.</p>