I just got suspended for plagiarism. Will this effect my chances to go to UC

<p>Well, my friend was caught for having another friend WRITE HIM AN ESSAY, and he is currently happily attending UC Santa Barbara and probably got into Irvine and Riverside</p>

<p>so whats this permanent record the person told me it would go on?</p>

<p>perhaps on your transcript. Or a manila folder in your Assistant Principal's office on your discrepancy. That's how it is for us.</p>

<p>I say keep yourself out of trouble for the remainder of your time in high school. Do all you can to improve how your records will look once you begin applying to colleges...</p>

<p>I know two boys (a grade above me) who got suspended for several days and got dropped from AP Chemistry with an F after cheating on the 1st semester final exam. It was their junior year. Right now they are happily attending UCLA and UCSD.
But I think we need to keep in mind that these kids already had near straight As and excellent SAT scores (2200-2300), which probably was an advantage for them.</p>

<p>don't lose hope - right now you stand a chance, but if you don't even apply, you have ZERO % chance no matter what. Right?</p>

<p>Plagiarism is extremely common. Colleges know that. But it's a normative error; you violated their professional standards. So what they need to decide is are you worth taking a chance on. </p>

<p>First, see if you can get your school/district to clean your record. Might they cancel the suspension, if you take specified actions such as 100 hours of community service, writing extra papers, attending summer school (perhaps at a UC or a community college), etc. It would actually be quite refreshing to find a student who was willing to work hard to make up for cutting corners. If they will pardon you and expunge your record if you perform, you can honestly answer the suspension question "no." It was canceled Your record was corrected. </p>

<p>If you can't get the suspension cleared:
1. Take a college class in the same subject area you messed up and work as hard as you can. It's currently possible for many h.s. students to take one or more UC summer session classes, and the admission process (which varies a bit by campus) is different from regular university admission and fairly easy. This will not guarantee admission to UC, but it does help show that you are trying to make up for your mistake. (Incidentally, UC Riverside has a particularly nice summer session opportunity for high school students.) </p>

<li><p>Fess up. Don't just write your essay about how it changed your approach to life, write a letter to the admissions office--send it by certified mail or a courier service--and ask for an appointment with a counselor. You know you messed up. Being honest and aboveboard shows you 've learned from it. </p></li>
<li><p>Explain (being careful not to justify it) why you cheated and why you wouldn't do it again.</p></li>

<p>The biggest mistake you could make is to give up on yourself. The Community Colleges are still there for you to earn a second chance, if it doesn't work out. </p>

<p>Addendum: Good luck!</p>

<p>If you have good grades/SAT the CSU’s will admit you no matter what.</p>

<p>This doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get into a UC. It will certainly give them pause. Moreover, given the nature of your crime, it is reasonable to suspect that this is not your first instance of cheating and that this is not your most severe instance of cheating, bringing the integrity of your entire transcript into question.</p>

<p>you don’t exactly seem very remorseful. trying to pretend to be remorseful isn’t going to help. I seriously doubt this changed your life or your outlook on school, and pretending that it did will likely only irk adcoms more.</p>

<p>your best bet is to simply disclose this and keep your nose clean through the rest of HS.</p>

<p>What everybody is saying is absolutely incorrect. I had a friend who cheated on a Physics quarter exam, worth 20% of the quarter grade, and he received a 0 on the exam and a 0 on any assignments he received during his 3 day suspension.</p>

<p>Despite this, he managed to pull a C in the class, and still got admitted into UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>DrAhumada your friend was lucky and this isn’t something to boast about, however at the same time others should not scare the OP. I’m sure most ppl have thought of cheating or have cheated but have not be caught in their High School, College or University. It is just his bad luck that he got caught and now he wants to know the consequences. As you very well must have realised this is not something you should ever think about doing again but now you got to concentrate on your future classes and your college application which might need some tweaking due to this deed.</p>

<p>completely non sequitur: i love that every response that gives the OP a gender refers to the OP as “him”… it is not only males that cheat, and i found no indication by the OP as to their gender…

<p>to the people who claim that the OP has no chance of getting into a UC or CSU: your ignorance is amusing. UC and CSU applications are considered HOLISTICALLY, as in, no one part of the application will cause you to immediately become rejected, although some factors are more important than others, i.e. grades, SAT scores, essays. the suspension will cause the OP’s application to be viewed in a slightly less favorable light, allowing other candidates to get in before them, but if the other areas of their application are strong (at or above par with normal UC/CSU stats), THEY WILL STILL GET IN. </p>

<p>to the OP: do your best to make your record stronger over the next year. whatever opportunities you have to improve your academic or moral standing, take it. explain the situation in the appropriate section on the aplications using as little bias as possible, otherwise it sounds like you are whining or making excuses. and remember, lots of people go to cc. geting your ge’s out of the way is smart and it saves a lot of money. as long as you have a strong record in cc, you’ll do fine once you transfer, that is, if you end up not getting in to UC’s/CSU’s. all in all: dont sweat it too hard.</p>

<p>I was not boasting about it, simply providing hope to the OP.</p>

<p>However, I think a lot of people in this thread are being a little unfair to the OP. The pressures that colleges put on students to excel in everything often times drive them to cheating. I’m not condoning cheating in any way; however, I understand there are times when even otherwise responsible people do so. </p>

<p>Judging someone because they cheated once is stupid. A fervent cheater is a different story.</p>

<p>Everybody’s human, everybody makes mistakes. Those mistakes vary from person to person, but condemning the OP just because he made one seems very unfair to me.</p>

<p>Don’t UC’s not require you to disclose suspensions?</p>

<p>^ true but plagiarism is on your transcripts… there is a little note about any important academic offenses. </p>

<p>sorry, go to a CC. possibly, POSSIBLY convince your school to erase the plagiarism offense in return for straight A’s, or volunteer work, or something. have a serious meeting with your principle, councilor, etc. and tell them that you really want to get into a UC and play mercy street. who knows, they may have mercy and give you a second chance. now you know, though, that plagiarism is not a joke</p>

<p>there is a section that has you mark whether you have ever been suspended. but you have a section under that if you mark yes that allows you to give details about the suspension.</p>

<p>this thread’s a little old, isn’t it…???</p>

<p>but either way: plagiarism’s a big deal and shouldn’t be tolerated.</p>

<p>wow. didnt even read the OP’s original post date.</p>

<p>Idk if plagiarism is in the same realm, but I know several people who have been suspended for theft, fighting, and they ended up being accepted to many UCs and good universities. I know one kid who got caught shoplifting and with possession of naked pictures of his girlfriend in his cell and the girl was a minor. He ended going to SFSU. I don’t think high schools report stuff like that to the colleges.</p>

<p>You get suspended for cheating on a crossword puzzle? There were kids in my APUSH class who copied the reading notes the entire year (the only hw we ever had, and it took hours of my time every night). They were caught one unit and got a zero for those few chapters, but were allowed to make it up. My school must be super lenient or something. But seriously, when I say copy, I mean they e-mailed the notes to each other and changed the font.</p>

yeah, your school is super nice.
My school suspends kids for exiting through the wrong exit in school, stealing a bag of chips from a vending machine, etc.
If you don’t comply with them, they call child services and worsen your punishment.</p>

<p>but there is a rumor going on in my school that this guy kept on plagiarizing and was consistently suspended. in the end, he got into one of the ivies. I bet he struck a deal with the school b/c that is just crazy.</p>

<p>Nearly two years have lapsed since the OP created this thread and it looks like he/she hasn’t come back to post since (should be out of high school by now). I wonder how things panned out…</p>